Jumpped for smoking weed


Well-Known Member
man you dont need to be dick, i simply asked what you would do but this turned into a personal attack on me. so sorry for being such a wuss, pussy, sissy, idiot and all the other stuff i have been called.


New Member
And what that going to solve expect many people getting injured and possibly going to jail.
I think he handled himself well considering.:blsmoke::peace:
Its tough fighting when you are outnumbered.:-|

see heres what u do
u find this dudes number
call him up
say meet me here at this time
bring about 20 people
his boys wont try anything simply because you have numbers thats how do shit...


Well-Known Member
Start running a couple miles a day. Next time it happens at least you can maybe out run their asses lol
i could probably have out run them but i didnt at first because i wasnt aware that i did anything wrong. considering the last time i seen him he was like the biggest dealer in the school. which was probably like a year and abit ago. so i guess alot happened then, someone said he got busted and it turned his life around but it also made him dick. i guess he thought that he needs to cleanse the community of pot smokers. and i found out he has done this sorta thing before.


New Member
lol. I try to keep shit peaceful most the time. I dont get in a angry/voilent mood that often. I had these dudes that were messing with me a while back and kept doing it just becuz they knew they could get away with it , I even got money and weed stolen a few times. I didnt realize how soft I was being for a while though. I finally realized that shit and it was the final straw when 1 of the dudes stole some money from me. I beat the shit out of him in front of like 10 ppl (I actually thought they were gonna jump in but they all laughed at him though lol), and I got my money back and some extra weed. After that he never messed with me again and tried to apologize later, and all the ppl were cool with me after that lol.

There all dumb though so Im not really friends with any of them after what they did. Long story short, most dudes wont mess with u if they know ur not afraid to fight them. Even if u dont win usually ppl will leave u alone.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
if I was you I woulda kept the bowl. and if he got it anyway, give him one chance to give it back. if he didn't I'd go crazy. and you totally could have stabbed em' say they was tryin to mug you or some shit. just be like "2 dudes came up and told me to give em' my bowl, when I didn't they attacked me" it'd be defending yourself


Well-Known Member
I think you made a smart decision. Now, your next mission is to find out what mormon church he goes to and send them a professional letter that says he raped you or something... signed anonymously. Maybe you can drive by and throw dog shit on his car... All things he will never know who did them, but will bother him and make his life uncomfortable. Breaking his windshield is a comparable loss, all you have to do is drive by an throw a huge rock at it.


Well-Known Member
I think you made a smart decision. Now, your next mission is to find out what mormon church he goes to and send them a professional letter that says he raped you or something... signed anonymously. Maybe you can drive by and throw dog shit on his car... All things he will never know who did them, but will bother him and make his life uncomfortable. Breaking his windshield is a comparable loss, all you have to do is drive by an throw a huge rock at it.
yea, or its called a paint ball gun loaded with marbles. but that will probably reuin the gun.


Too many brownies
I used to have a huge ass blow dart gun...exactly like this one (that isnt me)

They have amazing range and are 100% silent. Ive shot some car enemies car tires with it and it gives the tire a nice slow unfixable leak since its right in the sidewall. You can get those blow guns really cheap.

Oh and when you shoot someone with it...they usually dont realize for a few seconds. Its pretty fucking funny. My cousin shot a dart right through his buddies calf with the thing.


Well-Known Member
ok i cant read anymore of this shit. thats pathetic man. i wouldnt tell anyone about what happend but i would get those dudes back myself if i was u. find out where they live and put all balck on and rob there house at night when u know no ones there. maybe recon for 2 hours before hand. if ur to much of******to do that then just go over there at night. put roofing nails all in the driveway, knife there tires, maybe kill some of there pets if there out, do wat u want, bet get the point out that next time its gonna be there family or them thats being cut.


Well-Known Member
hhaa i too had a few of those blow guns when i was younger... you really dont feel getting shot either haha
i shot on through the tip of my finger
long story short.. tried to blow one out, it got stuck, put my finger over the end to see if any air was passing through... blew, POP right through the tip of my finger... didnt even feel it or realize what happened till i tried to move my finger and half of the dart was still in the tube...yea that was really dumb

as for what exzile said.. haha... iv only resorted to that twice and both times when when i was fucked over in weight ($500+ worth).. if u live in an apartment check your fucking doors... some of those places use the shittiest fiberboard doors... trust me when i said they had it coming

what else is fun!? Ipikak! I was given some by a friend who works EMS...havnt gotten to use mine yet (no ones done anything to me to deserve that!) but another friend who got some put some in a guys drink at a party...he wasnt very popular afterwards... :-?

if you dont know what that stuff is... google it.. too bad you cant buy it in Rx stores anymore



Well-Known Member
You did the right thing in sizing up your opponents and not confronting them physically, I think that shows the best use of your training. Any idiot can lose his temper and throw himself into a fight he can't win, or land himself in jail with some stupid revenge plot, but it takes a true man to take some shit and then let it roll off his back.

In my mind, that's what I would see a real martial arts master doing.

The dude who broke the pipe has gone through his own shit, obviously he's so weak in his self control that he couldn't even use Marijuana normally, and so insecure he feels the need to tote around a huge dude whenever he wants to confront someone. You were obviously the superior dude in that situation. Why confront him about it? You don't have to prove shit to him.


Well-Known Member
i agree...when taken into full view... both guys are fucking idiots, who are scared and confused inside. and if they are lucky they will be in jail in ten years.
if they are not so lucky... they do that shit to someone NOT as cool headed as yourself... maybe someone who carries a gun and end up shot. not advocating it, but that shit happens and iv seen people pull out guns for less unfortunantly.

best thing to do.. let it go and i wouldnt hang out with the douchebag who was trying to hide that he was smoking weed from the other guys... he seems like a weak bitch who cant stick up for his own shit.