Just A Few Random Questions.......

So I'm very new to the whole growing world........I planted some plants outside and they have started growing. This was probally 2 weeks ago They r Now 7 or 8 inches tall. Now What If AnyThing do I need to do besides jus the watering and checking on them? And how long does it take for it to be mature..........Any Other Helpful Knowledge Would Be Great As Well Thnx PPLZ!!!!
Is It Best To Just Leave The Plants Be Or Do I Need To Do Sum Trimming?
Is There Any Specifics To All This I Just Want Killer Bud


Well-Known Member
First get Advanced Nutrients outdoor fertilizer, its is timed released, you can add onto that later. It will take all summer for them to grow, unless there the auto flowering type. Be patient, don't tell anyone, not even mom, really. Don't over visit them if there a Gorilla Grow, and most of all Keep Asking Questions. Good Luck.:peace: