Just a little weed and a little thinking...What about a CO Party Cup grow?

Thats all you had to say no receiving,giving, anything u just said no selling or trading....*shrugs shoulders*....anyway just pm kramer when you get more details we'll just say the winner gets bragging rights
dudes she is not trying to be an ass as she is not one at all

Seeds are illegal
Sending them to someone is illegal
just a rule to keep the forum safe and you and I, its members from being hassled by much more than a sexy mod...like LEO you know
If you think seeds are no big deal ask Marc Emery

If you merely think a bit you can do whatever you want without announcing it to the entire interwebs
Thats all you had to say no receiving,giving, anything u just said no selling or trading....*shrugs shoulders*....anyway just pm kramer when you get more details we'll just say the winner gets bragging rights

seriously? you would be sooooo nick picky, you just tried to hassle me just be real dude, thats all you did. you hassled me even though you understood what i ment. come on man
I'm in...hempy solo cup and if we are having to start from seed then bubba k bag seed it is lol if not I will have more options...looking forward to it
Just drop it already cause i have and i still dont understand how gifting labled as Free would be considered a trade or sell but i just agreed to disagree cuz im done with it i said i was not gifting or giving anything away but yet your still bothering me about it smh....why?
Just drop it already cause i have and i still dont understand how gifting labled as Free would be considered a trade or sell but i just agreed to disagree cuz im done with it i said i was not gifting or giving anything away but yet your still bothering me about it smh....why?

sorry it's such a bother that the global admin is doing her job to keep this site and its members safe.

how about you just agree that the winner gets a cup of coffee from you, and whatever goes on over that cup of coffee is between you guys? is that so hard?
Jay, please just drop it. I work hard on keeping things neat and orderly around here to keep some of the more "strict" mods out of our hair.
But when you start arguing with Sunni of all the mods you are asking for trouble, please just let it go this time. You know as well as i do how things really work around here, we are a legal state, but the site has rules and if someone like Sunni says something about it, just take it on the chin and go with it. This will certainly work its way into PM's shortly anyhow, so we can talk details there.

I am in, although i may have a slight advantage by being so lazy, i have grown a lot of plants to very large in Solo cups, just being too lazy to transplant them.
My thoughts are this, the grows should all be from seed, (we could go a single strain route, i am sure someone would be willing to help out with making sure everyone has the same strain available), all contained entirely to a 16oz party cup, no cutting out any part of the cup either, soil only no hydro.
Most of us will kill the plants by letting them get too root bound, so whoever has theirs stay alive the longest wins, unless more than one of us can harvest, in which case yield wins.
You will lose the ability to edit the first post after 24hrs or something, so if you want to keep it up to date just let me know what to change or add and i will take care of it.
You gotta set the rules too, i just have seen these before and have an idea how they go, so i wanted to put my opinion in.
You will lose the ability to edit the first post after 24hrs or something, so if you want to keep it up to date just let me know what to change or add and i will take care of it.
You gotta set the rules too, i just have seen these before and have an idea how they go, so i wanted to put my opinion in.

Should I start another post in a bit once people are more finalized? I like the idea of a medium and the same strain. I also want this to be easier so I'm open to whatever. Certainly wasn't trying to start anything, just a friendly Colorado thing. :D
Whatever you prefer, if you want i can always kill this one when there is a new one, make it a sticky, whatever, i could even delete all the posts out of this one, but would prefer not too. If we keep the first post updated it will make it easy to find the info, and then we can fill the thread with banter and pictures, cause you know its gonna happen.
I don't drink coffee, but hash I do! nice morning sativa shatter mmmmmm.. Coffee is so last year! Get with it Uncle Duck! :)
Dude stop trying to argue with the mod this is there website there rules respect them or the community won't respect you alot of riuers know better.