Just a question


New Member
Are there any good ferts or nutes I can pick up from a home depot or lowes or a big chain store? Something organic and something that actually works. I'm doing a couple experiments on some bag seeds.
Yes there are a few bottled/granuled organic fertilizers available at Home Depot. Ones I know of for sure are earth juice brand grow, bloom, and catalyst, as well as Alaska fish ferilizer which is a 5-1-1 fish emulsion that i find to work very well, especially when it's used with other additives to get all the micro nutrients to the plants as well. They also sell dr. Earth brand organic fertilizer which I've always been a fan of. You can also buy organic amendments from Home Depot too like chicken manure, bone meal, dolomite lime, etc. and not give your plants any supplemental ferts as you're building a complete soil.

Sorry for the shitty typing, I'm on my phone which is a pain.
A totally organic fertiliser you can get in the major stores is seaweed extract--That's what the bio bizz range of ferts is basically. But people buy this stuff in big ten litre tubs, dilute it down , and water their garden with it. apparently it makes a trouble free organic fert-- a little short on some minerals tho so some Epsom salts usually need to be added now and then-----hmmmm---don't know if this adding of salts makes the grow '' unorganic '' either way it works ok as I'm a bio bizz grower and like I said, all bio bizz is really is seaweed extract.