Just a quick germ Q


Active Member
Ok ive had my seed in a glass of water for a few hours its sunk to the bottom now, what should i do??

Straight into soil or paper wet paper towel??


Well-Known Member
wait 24 hr's give or take then plant them in seedling soil. cover them and give them a little spray of water when they look dry. Don't over water at this point.


Active Member
ive put them in a paper towel but no sign of cracking, im not too experienced with germing seeds,, my last one i just put straight in the soil about 8days later it sprouted, (the other 2 didnt so i jus threw em silly thinking about it now shuda kept em) then i germed another seed via paper towel method it took 7+ days to get a root then i put it in soil didnt even sprout think i man handled it too much, so im not too kean on the paper towel method,

Whats a good way for germing, ??


Well-Known Member
Well seeing your in a paper towel already, you need to wait it out. They normally crack within 24-48 hours.


Active Member
I have now put it in damp soil in a pot lol, so im doin all 3,,, in a cup of water, in paper towel, then in soil lool man


Well-Known Member
did you put the wet paper towel in a little bag?
That's how i've always done it...and it's always worked for me.