Just A Quick Question Bout Stretching


Well-Known Member
i have Plushberry, Jack The Ripper and Space Bomb growing. i just chucked them into flower. im getting slightly worried. i tried to get them into flower at 12". well, i had major issues with design set up, fundage and then heat issues. i finally got everything honed in. the plants were about 16" average. but some were about 24". roughly 2ft. will they double or tipple on me? i fell as if i am doomed! i have 9 plants roughly in a 4x4. actually 19 in a 4x8 total. i may have to kick 1 plant back to the veg tent just to save it. will i be dealing with 6ft tall monsters? most are topped, some are not. i have included a pic of the biggest plant i have ever grown. this plant is in the middle surrounded by the others. am i in for a long summer? should i LST a few of them? i am in the process of tying them up, mainly for support and to tighten up the bushy ones a tad. chopped off about 30-40% of all bottom growth. what am i in for? any suggestions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
is this a question that can be answered? or is there multipul variants of what could happen? any info based of experiences would be very helpful at this point.


Active Member
it will come down to genetics more than anything else. you say you have plush erry going... i chopped some down a couple months ago, i flowered them at an average of 24 inches and only one stayed less than 6 feet tall. expect 2 or 3 times stretch if you just let them do their thing. i suggest training the plants wide to control height, but this means you will have les plnts in a given area. for comparison, my flowring room is 8x8. i have 6 plants in there and the canopy is about 8x6.5. they were vegged to 24 inches tall but were much wider than that due to the topping and training i do. some strains still finish over 6 feet from the ground with my methods.


Well-Known Member

i have been staking them. i was hoping for only a double stretch. if they go past 5', im seriously in a world of shit, AGAIN!!!! i understand that cannabis plants double in size at flower, i know this. i have a buddy that says i should never let them go above 12". and i tried so hard to do that this time. but time was against me on getting flower room up and stabilized. i can not LST them at this point. i have the Magnum 8" hoods. if i can get those up to the highest point in my tent, i still will need about a foot of space between lights and canopy to not burn tops. is ther anything that is on the market that inhibits vertical growth? but will still maximize bud growth? i dont mind handling 5ft trees, i really don't. however, if the yield is not at least 100g its really not worth my time fucking with them all night, when need to. my other option was to kill perfectly healthy plants. i had an investor back out last minute. after dude told me to pop seeds. i ended up with 19 out of 30-something seeds. not a bad ratio if you ask me! but since i had only space of my own for 9, and after all the headaches of getting room for all 19 and then the shit i dealt with in set up and honing temps in. i killed an extra week or 2 easy. i had them all about 12-16" tall when i decided to flower them, but then then in the 2 weeks of time i had killed trying to get them into flower they grew an additional 6" i did not want. if the JTR's and SB only double i will be happy. if they triple. im so screwed. once i get them all staked up with bamboo shoots i will have a little itty bitty bit of room for side room. but i was hoping by staking them up the light would just flow threw to the bottom and hit them a bit better. guess that Metal Halide DID kick more ass then i gave it credit for. this isnt my first grow, but 1st with MH light and with these strains. im still a rookie by all means with less then 1 year under my belt. fuck, i guess i will have to figure something out. if i built a room out of wood and plastic, i dont think i would get too much more vertical room. maybe a foot. but it maybe the foot i need to make sure they dont burn.

say they do get to close, if i crank down the power to 600w will it keep from burning the tops? any suggestions at this point, im all ears. i need to figure out how to manage this problem before it bites me in the ass!!!


Well-Known Member
im amazed by how many people are staying away from this thread. im sure every one is lol'n at me saying "good luck dumb ass!" i wish i put them in flower 1 week earlier DOH!! i guess i will have to wait and see.


Active Member
Hi my friend , new to rollitup but I'll take a stab at it...Relax, be calm, don't kill any momma's...if you need to gently tie your tallest buds away from the heat a bit all will be well, hope this helps...FTC


Well-Known Member
i appreciate the responses!!! i do a bushmaster FIM technique while in veg. are you saying that the product while inhibit vertical growth? but will it promote horizontal growth instead? i dont have much horizontal room at this point either. i have 19 plants in a 4x8. about 1 more then needed to be. i usually veg to 16-20" and get 4ft plants, 3 1/2 if im super lucky!! not so hard to maintain. and i am happy with my yields. the work i put in is worth what i get out. however i was trying to increase yield, but got sidetracked by other things. i think i have a very good system for the next round, however i have to get through this one first. i usually do a perpetual grow. but i had aphids in the last grow so i had to cease my veg production and only harvest a few plants on the last run. i will start that in a few more weeks, but that is something i feel i should have under control.


Well-Known Member
i just read a quick blip. it does say somewhere that if you use high does it will completely stop all vertical growth! WOW!!! bud will i loose anything on my buds? like do i also need to use the other products they make to get things equaled out. i do not mind tall plants, i just do not want them getting burned or growing too close to the hoods. that is what my main concern is.


I agree with MrGreenTooth. Tie down you tallest buds - just make sure you do it between week 2 and 3 or they will break. Its not that big of a deal if they do as they should be fine anyway but its better. Tie near the top few inches of the bud and bend it to a good hight and secure the other end of the tie to below a node so the tie won't slip. Do that to as many tops as you need to making sure you block as little light as you can. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
i have been very weary of all Humboldt products. i have some Humboldt Roots and fear it. they did change there recipe recently and are getting ORMI certified, but do not quote me on that, it could be bullshit!


Active Member
Hey there, sounds like a real jungle!! Been there done that, no fun fussing over plants that barely fit in your tent. Ive seen a few saves from this situation:

1. LST - Tie everything down or integrate a scrog type screen to weave new stretch growth under. Get creative with how you use the canopy space and the directions of each plant. You can also trim the lower growth and just deal with top buds.

2. Thin the herd - take a few out and since you recently flipped you can still take clones. Take clones of anything you are tossing and can't get back.

3. HST - I've seen growers bend and snap tops 3-4 weeks from finish and not suffer much on quality/yield. Just need to be careful and take your time with the bends. There are guides for how to properly do this.

Those are things I've seen used to good success. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i agree, just relax.....don't use some questionable bottled crap......your plants will be done stretching soon...you can bend them over, LST, etc.....done it many times.........even Sub had just recently done it to a vortex (i think) that had gotten too tall......and it was fine.....grows can get out of control between week 2-4 of flower.....after that, a little LST, and some prunning can tame it down, open up some ventilation, and be set for the mass phase......just relax bro, and don't do anything drastic......good luck, nugs


Well-Known Member
thank you all!! much appreciation for the calming words of encouragement! i will attempt to LST what i can to the few that get to tall. but i think kicking my ballast down to 600w (getting 600w bulbs when i can afford them, hopefully soon!!) letting the plants grow a tad bit closer to the lights. support the most of them with bamboo shoots as i have found this is working with horizontal space. i also have been taking off a lot of lower smaller branches and leafs. last time i chopped off the lower growth it was well worth it. i used to leave the smaller growth for oil and edibles. but i have seen the light!! i think i will be okay. i just hope a majority of them stay around 4ft only. i have a feeling i will be really happy at the end of it all. thank you again for the help!!