just a quick question


Active Member
So I took a clone of my mother plant last night then today I was looking up how long she would take to recover from it as in start regrowing at the cut spot but can't really find anything so how long does that usually take? Or will she not regrow at that spot
About a week the plant will replace the foliage somewhere on the plant or at least be well underway of doing so. Roots and Foliage are in harmony so if she loses a little foliage she already has the roots to replace the lost leaves. To keep this exchange in harmony don't remove more than 1/5th or 20% of the total foliage from the plant. If you do take more than 20% then you will need to let her stabilize in veg before trying to flower it. It doesn't ruin the plant it "could" produce an unwanted response. Mostly in my experience severe stunted growth is the response.
I've got another question the clone I took last night, I trimmed the leafs on it like everyone says to do but am I supposed to trim the small new ones to? Because this morning I checked it and they've gotten bigger is that OK?