i don't think it matters what a smoke shop expects you to do, but if you ask they will tell you, yes take a fat tobacco hit, and if you said something about weed, you'd get thrown out, obviously we all know that. so i don't really know what you are getting at.. there's a shop here called skunky's, it's obviously nothing to do w/ tobacco but does it matter? nope. i go to s. padre and every shop has 420 on them, but i doesn't matter because they are selling their products for legal use, even if none of their products are actually used legally.. and i doubt head shops are called that because of the phrase pothead.. it couldn't be that trivial.. either way, hydroponic stores do in fact sell soil BTW.mmmmmm i love those hydromatoes, cause everyone hydroponically grows veggies and fruits instead of easily and cheaply putting them in dirt and watering them. Yea the head shops expect us to take a good ole tobacco bong load, also think about the name, "head" shop as in pot head. But if it was called a pot head shop then well they'd get closed down, ive seen some shops called the 420 Havana but 420 is a number, might as well call it the 698 Havana