Just a thought


Active Member
Hello all im quite new to this site.

I have read a fair amount ok growing info from a lot of places in the past two year and never have I grown my own plants.

I have recently started out my frist, this is kindof an abroad question.

I wanted my plant to be an outdoor plant but I started realtively late in the season so I was thinking about growing her nice and big and keeping her inside untill next season when I cant plant her.

Any suggestions on what kinda lighting i should use for only 1 plant also remeber i cant have her getting way to big. i want to keep her in veg like a mother for a long time.

oh yeah funds are not an issue.


Active Member
because its a sativa and i would like to take it out to the bush to let it flourish, its not so much a persnal smoke grow its just a hooby to grow, i find this plant soo intresting and i love to watch them grow im not a huge smoker myself im more into the hooby of growing sounds kinda wierd i know...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok, I am new to this place.. But I am not new to growing. And certainly not new to smoking.

Who grows weed for a Hobby? When your Buds are sweet and ripe, do you throw them away in the trash? Do you grind them up and make Shampoo out of them? We all grow weed for a Hobby, this is how I started. But I use my Hobby.

I think someone is in denial. Hope I have not offended you. But i find it very wierd for someone to grow weed, just for a Hobby, and then trash most of the bud. You say you smoke very little.

Ahhhh, you use it to get layed.. I understand... Hey baby, have this 1/2OZ of this sweet bud, if I can get a taste of your sweet love..

Good Idea... But I will not part with my bud. Well at least not for some short lived romp in the sack.


Well-Known Member
did kp just hit on someone? :P what might be a good idea is to do what that link said about the gooseneck and 2 cfl bulbs, but put a pop can around each of em for a reflector

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
hey soQuick, sorry about my other post. I was just amazed that someone would spend money to grow a plant, just to grow it. I would think you do not want to spend TONS of money. I have a Shit load of money rapped into my systems.

You got 8 months until the next out door season starts. Unless you have 12' ceilings, I would think about vegging this plants with a shit load of High watt CFLS, for like 3 months. Sorry what I can tell you is just wrong. I am totally out of wack with what you want.

If it was me, and I wanted to grow a giant plant the next season. I would veg. this plant with a MASS of CFL's, for 3 months. take a bunch of clones, and send it into flower. I would take the clones and raise them. and flood them with CFL's. I would really us MH, but for you CFL. then once the clones take off I would choose like the 3 best ones, and keep going. At about month 5 I would harvest the mother, and smoke until I was Jello. As i got closer to the start of the next out door season, I would kill off the plants you do not want. Myself, I would keep them all. Once the seaon started, I would move it outdoors and give it a good home, and baby it. At the time when most people Harvest these plants for enjoyment, I would have a big party with a BOMB FIRE.. The main fuel for the fire would be this huge plant. But first I would put a big tent over it. Like the Indians had for the Sweat lodges. Anyone who leaves the tent, gets shot in the ASS with a pellet gun.. Only two pumps.. Right in the ass.:mrgreen:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
What do you expect. It was like I was knocked over the head with a sledge hammer. This guy grows buds just to grow them. Not to really smoke them, not to sell them, just because he enjoys to watch them grow.

Please do not get me wrong, I love to watch my ladies grow, But I also love to smoke them, eat them. sometime sell some of them, and give them away also. This guy sounds like he just wants to let it grow and go to waste.. Am I missing something here. Maybe I do not understand some of the lingo in here. But This guy has changed reality for me.


Well-Known Member
it was understandable, just went on and on, and didnt stick to the topic near the end

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hi, i have looked all over the internet for the way i want to grow but i couldnt find it, im new, basicly i have pots with soils and fertilizer in em with 4 plants, they have been planted for two days, but the way i want to do is to put em outside in the day and bring em in at night, is this gonna work? also now that im moving it in and out, how do i grow it? :P the plants so far are about 4 inches tall but thats how i got em... Thanks alot
Hmm, a green horn has burned me..Oh well. I will get over it. This post from him was less the 3 weeks ago. I have grown buds that would make a DONKEY get Envy.


Active Member
Hey Lord i have alot of answers to your question

i actually have spent alot of money to get my seeds i do smoke but its very very very rare, doesnt mean i dont enjoy it when i do but its not an everyday thing for me i just like what the plant does for people and helps them. im all about quality

i take no offence to the original comment because i can understand your confusion its all good :)

umm if it turns out to be a female it will be kept but the thing is if its a male i will keep it too because i plan on breeding my plants see

i just recent went to see my step family over im germany and i personally went to amsterdam my self and purchased the seed i have wanted to buy for about 6 months i got#1 arjan's hase #1 by greenhouse seeds and #2 ed rosenthals super bud and yes i spent close to 500 canadian to get them

and haha no i wont throw away my bud, i actually will give it away to my friends and brothers who smoke yes i will keep alittle for myself but not much

i just love the whole marijuana community and how forward they are moving in growing technology , well up here in canada anyways

i didnt actually plan on growing this plant but one of the seeds seem to have cracked in the container it was in so i decided to plant it rather than throw it away, because where i live here there is about a 3 month growing season then its winter pretty much and were about 50% done and this haze needs 11 weeks

this plants isnt really a big deal to me , im more about growing the best chron not alot of it since i hardly ever smoke like lets say maybe 1 every 2 months or so


Active Member
actually just to let you know money is no object to me if i wanted i could go out and drop $5000 on my grow i plan on veg'in her till i can put her is some huge ass sunlight and let her ass turn into a tree :)

and i dont want to get sex out of it haha thats far far from the truth , where ever that came from

i feel i can grow the best buds ever and i should share them with all the people i know who smoke maybe alittle extra money can come out if it.

people always bitch about schwag and thats why im here .....