They all look very happy and healthyand smore
I can't see what your referring to just shows a blue box with a ? mark in i dunnoWhat is this?
click the picture it should open right upI can't see what your referring to just shows a blue box with a ? mark in i dunno
muchsorry got sidetracked and started
a good thing really. I've neglected some chores around here and have more stuff coming on Sunday to sort through and put away. Then its on to cleaning out cabinets. Maybe I should do that first...
isorry got sidetracked and started
a good thing really. I've neglected some chores around here and have more stuff coming on Sunday to sort through and put away. Then its on to cleaning out cabinets. Maybe I should do that first...
Yeppers! just finished the refrigerator and the dining room. Put away and moved some stuff too. Busy day for me!Still cleaning?
yeah I tend to do things backwards on occasionI got so much shit to do but i don't have to thats the nicest only on sunny days.. these gloomy i stick to chilling indoors until some work comes my way i do a lot of reading