Just about a month since germination


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

So this is my plant about 28 days since germination. It was a random seed so I'm not sure what strain it is.

I think it looks pretty healthy. I am using a 5 gallon bucket and lighting it with 4 CFLs (9800 k total). My light cycle is 18 hours of light 6 hours of dark. Its really bushy and not that tall so I raised the lights up (you can see in the picture). I trimmed all the leaves that were below the rim of the bucket to increase air flow.

I havent used any nutrients yet. I was hoping I could maybe get away without using any. I cant seem to find one product out there that is good enough. I dont want to have to buy a ton of different bottles and what not. I am open to suggestions. Hopefully something I can find at Lowes or HomeDepot.

Let me know what you guys think. What can I expect now? I figure it needs a few more weeks before it starts showing signs of sex.

Oh and its starting to smell really good. I could maybe use some advice for keeping the smell controlled.





look for the general organics go box.. its a great package for the casual plant or 2 grower. I paid $50 for mine at the hydro store down the street. 8 bottles that take care of veg and flowering. real nice plant btw. I just had to chop my girl down 2 weeks into flowering.. had fungus gnats and the larva hit the roots hard. took 8 clones and tossed her lol


Well-Known Member
you can go to the GO (general organics) website and ask for samples you will have to pay for shipping but you will get there entire line for $20...i have done it personally and a few others have also done it...


Well-Known Member
where were you to tell me that my plant was the best youve ever seen before? or do you only use the forums to insult people and not offer any help?


Well-Known Member
MrMeanGreen was a bit snippy. But he has a point. That was a beautiful Indica (I'm betting something kushy)
and you have hindered her twice already. First, instead of chopping off healthy greenery around the bottom
you should have invested fifty cents and filled the bucket with dirt instead of mis-potting it that way. Second,
you shouldn't have done that last topping. Look at the way the plant was growing before the last beheading.
Plant was already as wide as you could possibly want it. Topping her forces her to grow out even more. You are
going to end up with a plant so wide as to be completely inefficient. Think, with limited space under the lights, do
you want your plants to be as wide as a blanket? No, the most efficient design to take advantage of limited lighting is a
Christmas tree shape. You have topped her so much it will take forever to re-veg into a desired shape.

Good luck and lose the scissors Jack.


Well-Known Member
hah. thank you for the constructive critism.

I have more seeds of the same kind.. I plan on starting another one.. so you reccommend not topping at all if it has a similar xmas tree shape? Is any trimming appropriate? How much longer from that last picture should I wait to start flowering?