Just about to start grown, please read me


New Member

I'm a new member here, i already read a lot on this site about growing but, i still not found the answers im looking for, doesnt even asked so:

First of all this will be my first time to grow, and the setup i will use will looks something like this:

1 x 600watt HPS bulb
1 x 600watt ballast
1 x 600watt reflector
1 x 500m3 exhaust fan
1 x 500m3 carbon filter
1 x fan controller
1 x time switch
10 x 2 gallon pots
3 x miracle grow soil
I also think about this

So, as you know my setup, first of all my most important question will be: How much will the electric bills jump to? (i need here exact answer/number for example "about xy-100$)
2. As all the sites just like sensiseeds, greenhouseseeds and a lot other marijuana seed selling sites just like >> this << tells us the infos about the current seed, like the ammount of the yield this one says 750 grams, now first time i thought i will easily get that 750 grams as the title says so, and then i did a lot research and i found that no, lot of people are just happy if they can produce like 70 grams.. is that true? It will happen to me too with that^ setup? Is there any way to really produce down that 750 grams?

I wonder from 100 people how much did it
Btw, i will not buy that one, that was just an website example, i currently thinking about the OG Kush, Sour Diesel, Blue Dream, and Northen Lights also the strain Dog sounds intresting since the very high thc that Dog contains

And here's my last question

3. Is the gorilla or any grow tent worth it? What i basically mean is, is using this gorilla grow tent better than set up your own grow room? Just because this stuff looks very sell-out teleshop stuff to me
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Clearly did not do you research, I mean come on miracle grow?! I will pity you still.
1a. it would cost around 70 dollars per month to run a 900w system, I know your light is 600w but you need to account for everything electronic, and any wattage jumps.
2a. The 750 grams IS MAX YIELD! That means if you grew it outside or 1 plant under a 300w+ for at least 6 months you would hope to get that. more than likely under this setup your going to get a little less than a gram per watt more than likely .5 grams per watt because your new.
3a. I have a tent, they work great not an expensive gorilla tent, its call an earth worth, they are in my opinion better and defiantly cheaper. So of them your just paying for the name like the jardin or gorilla products.

Side notes: Don't use mg at all! I would go with a soil less mixture, or like just some normal soil with no fertilizers , and get some Jacks Classics All Purpose and Bloom Booster for fertilizer, I would only use about what50%the label says to start off (I.E. if it says use a tbsp. per gallon use 1/2 a tbsp.). and built up to like 80% at the most, I normally just stay at around 50%. DON'T BUY A CARBON FILTER!!! You can build one for much cheaper.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather have a room then a tent any day of the week if I have the option.

I would guess with just the one 600 and fans the electric will jump less the $50.

And you can definitely get 700g with a 600watt in soil. It will take experiance, training(scrog,LST,topping), a great environment, and the right genetics. You won't get that your first grow, it takes time to learn and perfect a garden.


Well-Known Member
come on people, every one starts at the bottom, but what every one else has said is true, mg is a big no no, and as for tent to own set up it is about what you can manage, but if you can then yea go for a tent, try to stick to one of the known and trusted brands for a medium, and being your first grow avoid hydro because it is a lot less forgiving and requires a little more experience, but you are on the right track, keep reseaeching and as i recomend for all first time growers maybe start with autos just to get a feel for mj, solving regular deficiencies, trial and error for watering, feeding ect. have a serious look into autos, get a couple grows under your belt then go all out, how pissed would you feel jumping in heas first coming faced with a million problems along the way and end up with hermie/ pollenated plants. like i said you are on the right tracks, get it right once and you will get it right every time, mess up once and be discouraged, and disappointed, think of it as baby steps finally ending in a olympic 100m dash, i will watch thread to see if i can help witha any other questions.