Just another new guy


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. probably asked this all the time. I went and read threw as many forums as possible but still like to ask. With proper ventilation in a room 10 feet x 10 feet. and 50 plants would you go with 4 or 6 1000w Hps bulbs ? just stating my first little grow and very excited. So hello to everyone and probably be spending some time on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks dude that helped all probably just go with 4 1000 watts than another thing i would like to know right after my germinating and i slap the seed under the soil should i already have the light on or should i wait till the leafs are just starting to show threw the mud ?? Im just starting with 24 seeds 4 diff kinda buds all just gonna be under the one 1000 watt for now. any input would be awesome guys as im here to learn from the best


Well-Known Member
I'm certainly not the best around here, but I put them somewhere warm at first
and put them under lights just as they are about to break through the soil.
They will grow towards the light source and the warmth from the lights.
Others here may do things a little different, but it works for me.


New Member
If your gonna use that 1000watter for your seedlings,keep it high,its better to start your seeds in seed starter tray.