Miracle grow... I'm no scientist but even my mom told me not to use miracle grow (im in a medical state). I'm not sure why, but everyone I talk to says miracle grow is bad for marijuana plants, same with most posts I see on here about it. I'm surprised nobody caught it and mentioned this yet.
Also, 110 is way to hot for pot plants. They stop growing at like 90 r so degrees. Supposedly yu can got a bit higher temp wise if your adding carbon to the atmosphere.
I always try and encourage people who are doing it illegally to not bother unless they are doing it right. If you plant is 9 feet tall and gonna harvest with 4 pounds, its the same prison sentence as a little 9 inch plant thats probably gonna harvest a gram. Your best bet is to make a clone dome out of a trash bag. Get some small dixie cups or red party cups (I use bark plugs, but i have a feeling you dont have access to much) and fill them with some dirt. With the trash bag, make it so it wont fall down, like stand up a stick inside so its like a little tent and has room for your cups. Take several cuttings. Take more than you think you will need and cut the bottom of the stems form the cuttings into a "Y" thing, dont separate them yourself, just make the cut. Also, make the cuttings the end of branches and only cut about 2-3 nodes, maybe 4 if you reaaaaaly want, i go with 2-3. Stick the cups inside your tent and mist with a spray bottle, then stick the cuttings about an inch or so into the cups and re-mist. You could do it a little out of this order. Whatever you do though, take the cuttings when everything else is ready, less stress for them. Mist every 3-6 hours, whenever it starts seeming less humid. Use a clear bag if you can. They dont need a lot of light, just make sure they are getting some light, preferably 24hours. Don't use major lights though, cfls work amazing. Dont water the soil until you take them out of this bag in about 2 weeks. Grow whichever ones turn out well, if you can pop them out and look att here root structure and make sure they have some. The party cups may be to big, but its all about what you have, they will work if you need them to, but your likely gonna loose more than one clone, so make more than you need, don't be afraid, that plant you have is either gonna die, or produce like nothing with the stress its gonna be taking from all of this. You best bet is to do this, then keep the plant you have inside most of the day but bring it outside for a few hours every day. If it makes awesome, if not, then damn, you have clones to fall back on. Don't be afraid to take all of the plants stems for cuttings, your better off. After about a week or two of the couple hours a day, find a spot where there isnt real water issues and plant it. If you can, come water it every now and then. If you feel like it, till the land first, put in some good soil, just make sure its not visible form the air, cover up the new soil with dead leaves. dont leave shit laying around, you can spot a white cup on the forest floor from the sky easily.
Are you sure plants flower outside where you are? it sounds blazingly hot and some places dont get low enough light hours to flower, thats what auto flowers are for.
Btw, your friends a real dbag for selling you a hydro grown plant while you dont have any form of hydro setup.