Just bought some bud, but it looks odd

Me Phist Op Les

Active Member
smoked 1 1/2 joints, seems ok
heady high. the flavor wasn't as fresh as usual at the beginning, but the aftertaste was fresher. I didn't notice any particular unusual flavor.
not as potent as some beasters, but potent enough.

I soaked a bit of one in some water, and no color leeched out... don't know if this could mean that the color is natural, or if it's just not soluble in water
when I was breaking it apart, there was a fair amount of blue powder that was possibly just the crystals.


Active Member
Its very wet probably and they probably used purple dye to change the color of the roots could be a few things.

Me Phist Op Les

Active Member
yeah, the color doesn't seem natural, but it's probably blue food dye, or maybe some of the dye they use for that flavored tobacco drops


Active Member
why dont you try it?
to me this is how i rate my weed or hash :
1. how high u get
2. taste
3. smell
4. appearance
Sure go ahead and when you are done lets us know what it taste like to smoke on a turd.

Did you not look at this stuff before you paid for it... I would not have paid for that. I'd tell him to take his shit and flush it like the rest of us.

If you are willing ot smoke a turd you must really really want to get high badly. Don't smoke it!


Active Member
Ah looks like I am too late... no offense ment... that just does not look healthy. If I came up with cancer 10 years from now I know the turd I smoked would be the first thing to come to mind if I was you.

Grow your own man... this should be enough motivation for ya bud.


Well-Known Member
LOL that was crazy dont buy from that dealer he dont even sel decent shit LOL

that sucs man but you live and learn tho


Well-Known Member
lol I remember when I used to buy ounces and my dealer would occasionally short me an eighth...one time he shorted me a quarter so I took the bag to my friend with a scale and sure enough, it was missing about a quarter.

That was the last time I bought from or spoke to that guy...well, maybe it was the SECOND TO LAST time I had a "social encounter" with him (except this time nothing was bought).


Well-Known Member
well if this is still open for discussion, maybe you could just vaporize it?? Or you could make budder from it or something... probably better for you than smoking it if its got food coloring


New Member
WTF is that shit??Ive seen Mexican schawg that looks way better than that piece of shit youre referring to as weed....next time stay away from buying weed frm the 10 year old kid on the school corner...you just got served some Legal Bud....wow


Active Member
That is some laced shit, but not like sprinkled on like somebody injected something in the plant that bud grew on. sell it to a idiot


New Member
smoked 1 1/2 joints, seems ok
heady high. the flavor wasn't as fresh as usual at the beginning, but the aftertaste was fresher. I didn't notice any particular unusual flavor.
not as potent as some beasters, but potent enough.

I soaked a bit of one in some water, and no color leeched out... don't know if this could mean that the color is natural, or if it's just not soluble in water
when I was breaking it apart, there was a fair amount of blue powder that was possibly just the crystals.
he did...lol...heres the results... mans got bigger kahunas than me no doubt....lol:clap:


New Member
Wow..I hope your lungs dont turn blue or anything!I bet he was the kid in science class who stuck his finger into that jar of mystery,bubbling liquid,even after the teahcer told him not to!
Why did you smoke that pathetic excuse for weed??This could give you respiratory a illness,including enphysema..dont just smoke whatever you please man..tajke care of your body!!