• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

just brought an AG... help a lady toker out plz

hey well im new to roll it up and id love some help on growing. well iv grown once but it was different. i grew two plants outdoors in pots so im guessing growing indoors in a aerogarden will be different. i have the aerogarden but have no idea wat to do now. my 8 seeds have sprouted (paper towel) and iv put them in jiffy pots (dirt disks that expand in water). can anyone tell me how do i tranfer my 2 day old sprouts in to the aerogarden. it came with these clear plastic cup things and i read somewhere that i replace the original seeds with my seeds and away it goes but my problem is i already germinated my seeds. can anyone give me any advice? :)


Active Member
Well I personaly have never used the AG, but from what I understand its a good starting point to get the babys started. I do not think it will be suffcient to grow through out.

I'd recommened doing a cheapy CFL set up if your looking to do them indoors.

By the way.. WELCOME TO RIU!!!
I think you really should have used rockwool or something else to germ ur seed if ur gonna use an aerogarden.. You will need to carefully remove the seedling AND ALL ROOTS and place them into your AG.. At least thats what im thinking, I have never used an AG.


Well-Known Member
hey well im new to roll it up and id love some help on growing. well iv grown once but it was different. i grew two plants outdoors in pots so im guessing growing indoors in a aerogarden will be different. i have the aerogarden but have no idea wat to do now. my 8 seeds have sprouted (paper towel) and iv put them in jiffy pots (dirt disks that expand in water). can anyone tell me how do i tranfer my 2 day old sprouts in to the aerogarden. it came with these clear plastic cup things and i read somewhere that i replace the original seeds with my seeds and away it goes but my problem is i already germinated my seeds. can anyone give me any advice? :)
I use the Aerogarden Pro 100. I can only speak from my own experience. I have had some successful grows with it.

1.) You should grow no more than 2 or 3 plants at a time because the reservoir is so small that the roots will become huge.
2.) Grow dwarf plants like AK47 feminized autoflowering. Use either salad greens or tomatoes setting.
3.) You'll need to get an air pump and an air stone.
4.) Supplemental lighting for each side. I use CFLs.
5.) Use distilled water and keep the pH between 5.5 - 5.9 with 5.8 being the ideal. Get a pH meter!!
6) Use good nutrients. I use Fox Farms Grow Big and Tiger Bloom.
7.) Germinate the seeds ( I use the paper towel method) and place them in the Aerogarden pod. 1 sprout for each pod.
8.) Do not add nutrients until two weeks after placing them in the Aerogarden. Start with a 25% strength and increase as the plants tolerate it.
9.) Change the reservoir EVERY week.
10.) Get a bottle of Hygrozyme. It will keep your roots very healthy. It's amazing stuff.
11.) Have patience!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
in regards to your seeds, you're still good to go...Just remove them from the jiffy-plugs and stick them into the grey AG-sponges.

Or, you can just cram the J-plugs into the AG holes, but since those plugs are made from clay/dirt/whatever, i think it would be a bad idea...

the clear plastic cups are just the holders, to hold the sponge in the hole :)


Well-Known Member
hey well im new to roll it up and id love some help on growing. well iv grown once but it was different. i grew two plants outdoors in pots so im guessing growing indoors in a aerogarden will be different. i have the aerogarden but have no idea wat to do now. my 8 seeds have sprouted (paper towel) and iv put them in jiffy pots (dirt disks that expand in water). can anyone tell me how do i tranfer my 2 day old sprouts in to the aerogarden. it came with these clear plastic cup things and i read somewhere that i replace the original seeds with my seeds and away it goes but my problem is i already germinated my seeds. can anyone give me any advice? :)
the short answer is... put your jiffy pellets into ph adjusted water to 5.8-6.0 and wash all the peat/compost off as much as you can, if your using the plastic net pots for your aeroponic system then transfer your rooted plants carefully by lowering them into the net pot and then slowly adding some pre soaked clay pellets (in the same ph water as i said before) on top of the roots until the plant is securely supported in its place..

pop it into the aero and switch it on. im assuming that you know what ph your water needs to be (5.8-6.0) first two weeks veg grow ec of 0.8-1.0, you can up that to 1.6 on flower when the plants are established and robust, sometimes to 2.0 depending on the type of plant.

if it was me, and because i think the jiffy pellets may have a stocking like outer, the roots would have grown through that somewhat, i would grow em in soil or coco coir/ coco mix and take cuttings for the aero system, which i would fill to the maximum capacity of my grow floor space.

waste not want not so to speak.

your just starting to use this system though so you will be naturally carefull and make mistakes by using few plants.

well i guess that depends on what you want, yield wise and in what time frame.

sorry for rambling on, i hope you have much success aussiebabe
kool as thanx for all that. i had no idea so alot of it has helped heaps. any more advice on how much i can grow and stuff like that would be kool. has anyone actually grown in one. id love some personal experiences. i wanna no how much bud i can get off a grow in an aerogarden. i no there is different strains but an estimate would help. i dont wanna go to the trouble if its not worth it in the end.


Active Member
People usually grow the low ryder strains, i personally think the AG can take any thing, Really depends on your lights, you can grow weed in an AG with a 400 watt HPS and pull just as much as you would in soil, really depends what you wanna grow. i would just read up as much as you can, its alot easier when you put thing into your own words, hope that helped, i can answer any questions


Active Member
Welcome to the AeroGarden Guide for Beginning to Grow marijuana!

The Aerogarden is a wonderful tool that helps new growers learn the fundamentals of cultivation through great hands-on experience and provides a starting point for transistion to bigger and better setups.
It uses two techniques of growing, one being Aeroponics and the other Hydroponics. As you read through this guide, you will learn how to grow marijuana from seed to harvest in your AeroGarden machine.

I will take you through the basics of:

* Materials Required
* Suggested Supplemental Materials
* Lights and Their Cycles
* Nutrients and Their Schedules, and
* Making It All Happen


Materials Required

* AeroGarden

There are many different shapes and sizes of AeroGardens to choose from. Pick one that suits your needs.

* 24hr Timer

You can snag one of these from Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc... They usually run anywhere from $4 to $15.

* Figure 8 Power Cord

You can find these at Radioshack or other electronic stores.
If you're like me, you can use the power cord from your old Original Xbox or PS2.

* Nutrients

You can use the nutrients that come with your AeroGarden, but, with better nutrients you will achieve a better outcome.
There are a couple different types to choose from, and several brands.

* pH Testing and Adjustment Kit

This is a must! You can order these online or obtain them from your local hydro shop.
There are other ways of going about this, but I wouldn't recommend them.


Suggested Supplemental Materials

* Additional Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL)

You can find these at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc...
They range in size, watts, lumen output and color temp.

* Aquarium Air Pump and Tubing

You can pick these up from Walmart or a pet store. A 30 gallon pump should work just fine.

* Aquarium Air Stones

Same as above. Ranges from small rock sized stones to around 20 inches.

* Thermometer/Hygrometer (Temp/Humidity)

Walmart carries them for around $7.


Lights and Their Cycles

Now that we've gotten through the basic materials, it's time to figure out exactly what we're looking at here. We know that we need additional lighting, but what exactly do we need?

There are several choices to pick from. You could choose from any number of CFLs, or you could use an HID setup (High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide).
Since we are learning to use the AeroGarden, which usually means smaller spaces and less plants than other setups, we will only focus on CFL use.

CFL Selection

Color Temperature

During the vegetative phase, the plant requires more of the blue spectrum of light. During the flowering phase, the plant requires more of the red spectrum of light.
Thus, we will need to select CFLs that will complement each phase of growth.

When selecting a CFL, take a look at the box and look for a number ending with a K. This K stands for Kelvin, and is the absolute temperature at which the bulb operates.
The higher the number, the more blue spectrum that bulb emits. The lower the number, the more red spectrum that bulb emits.

As a standard, 6500K is used for veg, while 2700K is used for flowering. Also, there are full spectrum bulbs available. They are usually around the 5000K area.


Now, we will look at the power behind these bulbs. When you see these bulbs at the store, you want to look for lumen output. The higher the lumen output the better.

There are statements that have been made that lumens do not add. Well, they're true. Lumens do not add. Lumens are the measure of brightness of the light the bulb emits.
This means, if you have a 2000 lumen bulb, and you place another 2000 lumen bulb next to it, you still have 2000 lumens.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Then I can just use one bulb, right?" Wrong.
CFLs do not penetrate very deep through the plant foliage, but, we can solve this problem by placing several bulbs around the plant.
This will prevent stretching, which we will talk about later, and will increase growth and dense, compact buds. Drawbacks of any light will be heat. Too many lights in your grow room and the heat will surely cause problems.
Find a comfortable medium.

Light Cycles

During the life of the plant, it will experience different lengths of photo-periods.
During Spring and Summer, light cycles are long and night cycles are short. During the fall, when marijuana flowers, light cycles and night cycles are close to even.

In an indoor setup, we have to mimic the light periods of the outdoors.
There are several different settings that we can choose from. For veg, we can use 18 on 6 off, 20 on 4 off, 24 on 0 off or any setting in between. For flowering we will use 12 on and 12 off.
There are other settings for flowering, but this is the most standard.

Now, there are auto-flowering strains out there that do not follow the same light cycles as other strains do. Follow the instructions from the breeders site for best results.


Nutrients and Their Schedules

AeroGarden Nutrients

When it comes to nutrients, you have several choices to pick from. Since we are using an AeroGarden, more than likely you will have the AeroGarden nutrient tabs with it. We will take a look at other nutrients in just a short while.

There are some set ways of using the AeroGarden nutrient tabs. Of course, you can find a happy medium that you are comfortable with, but for now, these are the basics.

There are two different sizes of nutrient tabs that come with the AeroGarden. Large and small. If you didn't get the Large tabs, don't worry, those will work just fine.

Seedlings ~ No nutrients or 1/4 of small tab

Veg Phase ~ One small tab per week

Flowering phase ~ One large tab per week or 1 1/2 small tabs per week

Alternative Nutrients

Now that we've learned about the stock AeroGarden nutrients, let's take a look into the different nutrients available.

There are several different brands to choose from, including: General Hydroponics, FoxFarm Nutrients, Canna, Dutch Nutrient Formula, etc...

The differences between each brand vary, but for the most part, they all work just fine. Each brand will have different setups, such as three part systems and A&B systems.
Three part systems allow for fine-tuning of nutrients for each strain, but require more work and research.
The A&B systems are much easier to use, but don't allow for fine-tuning.

Each brand will also have a feeding schedule that you should follow to achieve the best results. I recommend following their schedule until you are comfortable growing on your own.

In the end, choose a nutrient brand and type that fits your financial position and your growing abilities.


Making It All Happen

Now that we've made it through all the basic information to get prepared, we're on to the exciting part. MAKING IT ALL HAPPEN!!!

First things first, we need to germinate our seeds. There are a few different techniques used, but we are only going to go into the "paper towel" technique.

You will need a plate, a bowl or another plate, and a paper towel. Wet the paper towel with warm water and squeeze out the excess.
Now, fold the paper towel in half and place your seeds on one side of the paper towel and fold the other side over the seeds.
Place your bowl or other plate over the top of the first, and set in a warm, dark spot. On top of your cable box or on top of your fridge are great places to germinate.
Once your seeds have cracked and the taproot is about 1/4 of an inch long, you can then place them in the aerogarden sponges. Be sure to place the taproot facing down to prevent any complications.

Until the seeds have begun to sprout their first leaves, light schedules are not too big of a priority. Many people choose to set their lights to 24 hrs, but 18/6 will work just fine.
kool thanx. the only problem is i live in australia and swore that i would never buy off seed banks coz of risk. i only grow from seeds im given so i have no idea wat im gonna get. is there such thing as just a normal strain. not a lowryder or northern blue or anything like that. is there just a strain that grows a normal plant. is it callled skunk? iv grown once and it was outdoors and the plant gave good quality weed even though i really didnt no wat i was doin. the same agen this year. iv been given seeds and dont no where they came from . and around here people dont sell marijuana by the strains. if you asked ur dealer wat strain it was he wouldnt have a clue. so the seeds are the same deal. i thought there might be like a normal strain that gets around with out a name and stuff?


Active Member
Oh ok, well you should be fine then, if its just a random seed then it can end up like anything, you should be good, i say give it a try, plus there free so its no real loss on your part if anything

most likely some chronic or like you said some skunk, there are different techniques you can use which will keep the plant short and easy to maintain, but that will come into play later


Well-Known Member
I'm another Aussie with an AG so if you need some help or dont know where to buy things I can prolly help. PM sent.
kool knickers. hey u might be able to tell me. can you actually get hold of stains that r mentioned. is it an aussie thing that we dont catagorize our weed. bud is bud


Well-Known Member
You can certainly buy different strains, however it all depends on your dealer, and most dealers wouldn't know the meaning of the word sadly. The only way you're likely to get any pure strains would be to order seeds or know someone who has and get some cuttings. I personally grow from bag seed, and most of what I smoke is indica dominant and grows well in the AG. If you're buying bush bud then chances are it'll be sativa dominant and grow too tall for the AG.
i only buy hydo weed so im guessing i have indica. yep those are the words i was looking for "bag seed" i get them givin to me all the time. is that bud rite stuff you were talkin bout sold in aus?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's what I'm using, its on the basic side when it comes to nutrients, but considering we're growing in AGs it doesn't make sense to spend hundreds on fertilizer claiming miracle formulas. Growrite and budrite have the right minerals and elements in them, and retail for around $20 for both A/B bottles.

Most hydro places stock canna and dutch master which are international brands, but I can't justify the cost for a basic personal grow. Your local shop owner may also have their own line of nutes, or should at least be able to recommend some; just check the price and compare the NPK and trace minerals.


Well-Known Member
kool as thanx for all that. i had no idea so alot of it has helped heaps. any more advice on how much i can grow and stuff like that would be kool. has anyone actually grown in one. id love some personal experiences. i wanna no how much bud i can get off a grow in an aerogarden. i no there is different strains but an estimate would help. i dont wanna go to the trouble if its not worth it in the end.
i was reading a thread on here a couple of days ago where some bloke made his own 4ft by 2ft aeroponic tank and he had a link to some video on you tube on seemorebuds where- seemorebuds was growing in aeroponic tanks, he had 4x 600watt lights and three 4ft by 2ft tanks under the lights and he pulled between 4lbs and 6lbs.
i was looking for the thread all day yesterday because i wanted to know what pump he was using but i couldnt find it unfortunately.

anyhow i still made a small tank that will house 30 cuttings in 2" pots, i still need to cut the holes in the black recycled nft corriboard, will do that 2morrow.

