Just Built A Box


Active Member
Just had a box built for my first grow through my research i have already noticed my mistakes in construction. i should have split the box but anyway i ran across all of the materials @ good price currently have a 1000 hps installed that came with it but plan on replacing because i notice the bulb was burnt a bit so may be low in rays what are good fans to run a a cooling unit intake/outake for a 1000w hps or should i replace with 600w hps and what watt flourescent should i use for starter seeds and does it matter if i do vegative state in peet pots in an aquarium :joint:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
not sure i understand the question?

can I see the box?

are you asking what bulb you should use for veg?



Active Member
dude you aren't going to get many helpful responses unless you can be specific in your requests.

throwing in a period or two instead of one long, rambling run-on sentence would also help your cause.