Just came home to a disaster!!!!

Just went to check on the kids and one of my best ones got so heavy with bud the damn stem snapped. Foregoing all the diatribes about what I should have done (first grow; I know know), I was hoping someone could tell me if the same thing that I've done with taping broken limbs that has worked successfully will work for the main stem?

I've tied it to a stake with that stretchy plant ribbon shit for the moment; is there anything else I can do to make sure it has the best chance at surviving this trauma?

If it helps, the plant is rather mature; probably 6-7 months old.

Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Google "grafting." It will show you the technique to bond them back together correctly. Granted you will be attaching the same plant not two separate ones, so it should work even better.


Well-Known Member
Nice plant you got there if it's 7 months, you got a nice large girl there eh? I wouldn't recommend taping the broken limb, if it's just a minor break in the stem it should be fine. Other than that, just try holding it up with a steak, stick or something that will hold it up.
It wasn't completely broken off; probably half snapped through the stem. I'll go take a pic and post how I've got it now; I want to make sure I'm good. I can't believe how attached I am to these things; and I don't even smoke... go figure.
I wanted to report that as of yesterday evening she still lives. I had company show up and couldn't leave to get the pic and then forgot the camera last night.

She does look mildly shocked and not as perky; but no wilting, yellowing or obvious signs of dieing.

I think the next day or so will tell.


Well-Known Member
Karate Kid 3 saved one of my plants no joke.
I had been sitting around one night watching the Karate Kid 3 because I was too high to change the channel. Well, in the movie the main character, Daniel, has his bonsai tree torn in almost half down the middle, so he runs it to mr Myagi and he puts some green gardeners tape around it after pinching the 2 pieces back together, a few days later viola! Plant has fused back together. So I pay marginal attention at the time thinking thats cool. Well a few days later i was training the 2 main branches of one of my plants "this was a while back before I had any giant moms to replenish my supply if I killed one" anyway i was pulling the 2 main branches in separate directions and RIP, i tore the plant in half almost OO@!. So i busted out the green garden tape and pulled a karate kid moment. A few days later i took the tape off and i couldnt even see a mark where the plant had split!
I had heard of taping branches from a guy and tried it on one when something had fallen on it and it worked; the only tape in the house at the time was scotch tape and i was amazed.

But the main stem breaking freaked me the fuck out.


Active Member
Lookin' pretty good for being a first grow! Looks like you saved it. I have a question now though RIU folk; if I were to "accidentally" snap the main stalk on...let's say my Golden Goat, then do the same thing to my NYC Diesel, then switch the plant that I snapped from, would I have as high a chance of success, and if so, would the two plants keep their genetic makeup, meaning I'd get two different strains from one plant essentially? Just a weird thing I've been thinking about. I've heard it's possible.