Just checking, need expert opinions.


I can't wait till someone answers your hair question though... i was wondering the same thing as soon as i saw your post
you and me both, like i said, from what I heard, that's something that's supposed to happen near the end of flowering, so I'm worried that the buds in the last few pics are as big as they're going to get -.-
And yeah, brita's alot cheaper then buying "fresh" water from the store, so I figure as long as I keep an eye on the PH, I should be fine, as far as that goes...still worried about the hairs and the buds though. Could be I just botched this plant before I ever posted, but Not to worry, I have Plenty of seeds, just Begging to germinate.


Now that I'm thinking of it, if I am right, and these tiny buds are the best I'm going to get out of this harvest, I've heard that buds will grow back, though I'm not sure in what ways to cut, during harvesting, to ensure that that happens, or if that information is even reliable. If that's the case, then after I harvest these, I can just try again on the same plant, and see how the new buds come out. Any thoughts?


SprintPhoto_bf0bte.jpg just noticed newer buds have formed and sprouted hairs since i moved the plant, and put the lights closer, you can tell because they still have all white hairs (green circles) as apposed to the older ones with almost no white hairs (red circles)......not sure what this means, but hoping for the best. At first I thought it was just ones that havent started to turn, but thinking about it, I don't remember them being there at all when I moved the plant >.>
im hoping these buds get way bigger because im running almost the same wattage. you also seem to have the same spacing between growing branches. i think they calls those nodes. what week into flowering are you? what seeds are you thinking of germinating? i just noticed ur comment on that.

i just germinated my ice seed and my sour d is getting taller that i germinated on december 6th. i hope the normal trait of sour d is to be taller than widder. otherwise i messed up already haha.
I need some comments on pineapple chunk purchased from barney's farm, the seeds are auto feminized, 90 days and no sign of flowering, 4' tall under led 100W 6 band light, 2 plants in a 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 space in the closet.
did I get jipped?