Just curious, why y'ayall smoke weed instead of eating it?

Edibles don't work on me, not sure why , but like a lot of others have said my friends will be trashed and have to smoke two more joints. But I've been smoking steady for almost forty years ( and yes I started way to young ).
I cant get off on edibles.

All they do for me is cause severe gastric distress, and loose stools. Really bothers my stomach, with no buzz.
Hello dudes,

I am personally not a fan of smoking. It's unhealthy and unnecesaary, so I simply can't understand why people will keep on smoking weed instead of eating it.

Edibles have a higher absorbtion. Less weed more high. Not at all unhealthy. Smoking on the other hand fks up your lungs.

Is it because of laziness to infuse oil, or because of the immediate effect? Or are you just used to smoking and never consideres edibles?

Or are you afraid of having too much?
I mean, with time you gain experience with dosage as well.

Sorry if this sounds like buzz feed racism don't mean it like that.

I can't get high from eating it and I like instant gratification while SMOKING it. Any other questions?