Just Cut a Bud I Really Wanna Smoke It

I just cut a little bud off my plant it was a small bud at the bottom its like 1 g I really wanna smoke it and test it The pLant I cut it off only needs like another 1-2 weeks until harvest.can i smoke it now and still get a good smoke outta it and a good high.if i give it a quick dry in the oven or something can i still get a good high from it it nice killer dense bud and got crystals all over it. i thought about letting it hang dry for a day or two but i really wanna smoke it 2day anybody know any good ways to dry it and still get nice high


Active Member
Yes you can smoke it, and if its as good as it sounds it should produce a decent buzz. Trim up the bud and place it in a small paper sack, put it in the oven (center rack) at the lowest setting (160-180) or a food dehydrator work well too. Check it every 20/30min untill its nice and dry, then break it up and smoke it. You may find the smoke to be a bit harsh and have a bad taste, dont worry when the others are done and dryed correctly and cured they will be much better (in taste, high, smoothness). Good Luck and enjoy.



Well-Known Member
microwave steam method is the best one I've found. it works and gets ya baked more than an oven method.
even if you dry it out using one of the aforementioned methods, its still gonna be harsh and taste like ass. whatever you smoke will definitely not represent the final, properly dried and cured herb.


Active Member
yea it was just sum little lower buds i pulled off i did it in the microwave in the tupperware with the papertowels i think its the steam method .the bud was still a tiny wet it didnt dry completlely and it looked like shit after the quick dry process compared to a fresh hung dry bud but the smoke was great it burned slow in a dutch and tasted good probaly because i grow with organic homamade stuff as nuted got a nice head cerebral high because it was picked when trichs are clear.

ill never do that again you gotta hang dry and cure them dank buds

aka anthonysp333