just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 43 16.6%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 47 18.1%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 82 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 26.6%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 10.8%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 59 22.8%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 105 40.5%

  • Total voters
PB has been around for 1000s of years, contrary to the popular myth propogated by the AKC.

Plenty of historical evidence they were around in ancient Greece, and before.

Like many modern breeds, it is impossible to be completely sure of the details of the American Pit Bull Terrier's long history. However, many pit bull enthusiasts believe the origins of the breed can be traced back to antiquity and the Molossian family of dogs. The Molossian family of dogs bears the name of the people with whom they were most often associated - the Molossi tribe, a group of people who lived in ancient Greece and favored the use of robust, muscular dogs in warfare. Officially termed canus molossi (dogs of the Molossi), these animals were reknowned for their fierceness, and for their innate ability to intimidate the enemies of the tribe.

During this same time period, it is also believed that the Molossian dogs were used for other purposes. In fact, early Phoenician traders may even have used the Molossians as a bargaining item in their commercial transactions.

The Molossians gave rise to another family of dogs known as the Mastiffs. The early Britons employed a variation of the Mastiffs as pugnaces - fighting dogs that could be used in either a guardianship or warfare capacity. When the Roman emperor Claudius defeated the Briton Chief Caractacus in 50 AD, the powerful pugnaces piqued his interest. He quickly seized on the opportunity and began exporting select quantities of the dogs back home to satiate his countrymen's appetite for entertainment in the arenas and coliseums of Rome.

Once in Rome, the British dogs were crossbred with their Roman counterparts. From the years 50 AD to 410 AD, the breed was widely disseminated throughout the Roman Empire for use as fighting dogs. Along the way they mixed with other indigenous breeds throughout Europe, creating a genetic melting pot for the bulldogs that are thought to have been the immediate antecedents of the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Sadly, the Romans would not be the last to use pit bulls in cruel and grisly blood sports. When the Normans invaded England in 1066, they introduced a new sport called baiting. Interestingly enough, baiting originated with butchers who kept dogs (called Bullenbeissers) to handle unruly bulls as they were herded to the market for slaughter. When a bull stepped out of line or exhibited uncontrollable behavior, the dogs would clamp down on its nose and simply hang on until the handler could regain control of the wayward animal.

Like most dog owners, the butchers were proud of their canine companions and their stubborn tenacity in dealing with the much larger, and potentially dangerous bulls. Consequently, public displays were arranged to showcase the dogs' abilities and, quite frankly, to appease the multitudes that attended baiting events for their entertainment value.

By the 16th century, nearly every town in England had its own baiting ring. The popularity of baiting events was unparalleled at the time, as was their ability to draw spectators from every level of society. Their popularity was further enhanced by the misguided perception that prolonged torture ensured the tenderness of the meat.

In baiting events, no more than one or two dogs were unleashed on the bull. They were trained to unrelentingly harass the bulls until they collapsed from fatigue, their injuries, or both. These episodes lasted for prolonged periods, sometimes as long as three or four hours. Eventually, the public's grew bored with bulls and introduced a creative flair to the sport, baiting dogs with bears, boars, horses, and even monkeys!

In 1406, Edmond de Langley - the Duke of York - produced a short treatise for Henry IV entitled, "The Master of the Game and of Hawks." In it, he described a descendent of the ancient Mastiffs that he called the "Alaunt", the most commonly used baiting dog of the era. A 1585 painting of the Alaunts hunting wild boar portrayed lean, muscular animals with profound similarities to the dogs we know as pit bulls.
PB has been around for 1000s of years, contrary to the popular myth propogated by the AKC.

Plenty of historical evidence they were around in ancient Greece, and before.

Like many modern breeds, it is impossible to be completely sure of the details of the American Pit Bull Terrier's long history. However, many pit bull enthusiasts believe the origins of the breed can be traced back to antiquity and the Molossian family of dogs

Excuse me but I think you have a confussion.: all the molosos can be traced back to their común origen, as well all the dogs. You can track to the same origen a Dogo Argentino (created in 20 century) as well as a Dogo del Tibet (one of the older molosos). It dont mean nothing.
Yo can do the same with Lupoides (with the older one as well with a modern Dobermans).
Inna fact you can do the same with all the dogs.

By the way, molosos dogs were imported to Greece n to all the rest of the World from Asia. In Greece this kind of dogs only takes the name.

But be sure there was any Pit Bull in the Ancient Greece.

Anyway my English can make me missunderstand you...

Btw, a lot of Spanish dogs were imported to bull-fightin to England. Even they imported bulls. Here were the best bull-fighting dogs becouse the land always have been full of wild bulls like another wild animal more.

But I dont say Alano=Pit Bull. English have a good kind of dog, n Alanos were imported to make it better, nothing el se.
But be sure that (talking about not-English dogs imported to the Pit Bull creación) the Alano blood is the most used in Pit Bull.


PD: I see another contradicción: if molossos were introduced in Europe by the Fenicians or Alexander Mágnum ("The Great" you said)...how early Britons would have better Moloses than the Mediterranian people.
Men, Fenicians arrives to Italy or Spain arround 1300 Before Crist... Probably the Roman molosses were the first than were sein in Britain...

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In baiting events, no more than one or two dogs were unleashed on the bull. They were trained to unrelentingly harass the bulls until they collapsed from fatigue, their injuries, or both. These episodes lasted for prolonged periods, sometimes as long as three or four hours.

Well, an Alano must stoped n falls down to the floor a bull only in minutes. N with the less blood n bull damage posible.
Do you think I even cant loose 15 mins in the country to control a bull? Think that we have hundred wild bulls together... I talk about really wild bulls, with more than 500 kg, bulls that only think in kill you if you disturb them...

Alanos bite (like lions) over the noise&mouth of the bull: if the bull dosent stop n fall to ground, he will be asfixiated. We dont want they bite the Bull neck, n of course we need that dog dont make any damage (or the less posible) to the Bull.

To kill the bulls or fight (or to the "Old butcher use") are the Presas.

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Aha. Well, as I said you before, dogos are diferents from mastiffs.
Here nobody would call to a Corso "Italian Mastiff" (even not "Italian Dogo", but this name is more right).
If you sais " Italian Mastiff" we think in the Napo ( "Napolitan Mastiff").... As well we think in the "Montaña" is you said "French Mastiff" ("French Dogo" would be more right)...
Anyway, it dosent matters: I love dogos n mastiffs.
Thanx for you reply.
Bests wishes to you n your dogs.

My two languages are English and German.
I've always been amused by the fact that a dog in German is "ein Hund" while a hound is likely to be "eine Dogge".
Kangal is the hardest biting dog, and can chase a wolf down, and kill it.
Kangal bites with 743lbs pressure.

They use 45lbs+ Pitbulls as Catch Dogs here in USA, to catch and hold 2000lbs Bulls by the nose for Branding.

Kangal has been known to be able to run 30 miles an hour for several miles. These are without peer for athletic HUGE dogs.

This 1 weighs in at 200lbs, is 38 inches at the shoulder, and Over 7 feet at the nose.

All these dogs have been bred to do is Guard the Flocks. For 3000 years.

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Kangal is the hardest biting dog, and can chase a wolf down, and kill it.
Kangal bites with 743lbs pressure.

They use 45lbs+ Pitbulls as Catch Dogs here in USA, to catch and hold 2000lbs Bulls by the nose for Branding.

Kangal has been known to be able to run 30 miles an hour for several miles. These are without peer for athletic HUGE dogs.

This 1 weighs in at 200lbs, is 38 inches at the shoulder, and Over 7 feet at the nose.

All these dogs have been bred to do is Guard the Flocks. For 3000 years.


Men, I have my Caucasian Ovchakras to protec my family (they bite n fight maybe a little more harder than a Kangal or Anatolian).
A Caucasian is stronger that any Alano or Pit Bull, but belive me, cant stop a bull.
My Caucasian is better than all the Pits & Alanos together to protect me, but he will die soon working with wild bulds...
By the way, the pics you show looks "manipulated" to make the dog bigger... Or the man is very short, je...

By the way: are you the owner of this dog?... Or have you see "live" this dog?... Or you only have seen the picture?... N if the answer is "not"..; have you seen " live" any Kangal or Anatolian?
I am waiting your answer with a lot of interest, believe me...
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My two languages are English and German.
I've always been amused by the fact that a dog in German is "ein Hund" while a hound is likely to be "eine Dogge".

Germans allways have been " Top Elite" in workin dogs... I love the Checs n Easter Germany lines of GS...
That's my Kangal dogs dad sir. Hes 97 Centimeters tall at the Shoulder, and 91kg.

That picture aint doctored.

And as far as taking punishment.

Aint no dog will take more punishment than a Pitbull.

A PB might not win all fights against other HUGE breeds, but I can assure you, all other breeds will quit fighting if they had to take the punishment a PB can absorb.

No way my Kangal is as game as my PB. HEs bigger, stronger, and bites much harder, but if it comes down to absorbing punishment, a PB has no Peer.

World Record for a Bonafide ADBA Sanctioned Pit Fight is 5 hours 23 minutes. Both dogs lived.

Both dogs lived, they threw in the towel, and called it a Draw.

Both dogs were from the line of

Floyd Bordeaux. 45lbs.

The 1st Turn didn't come until the 3 hours mark. Only 3 turns in over 5 hours.
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Kangal is the hardest biting dog, and can chase a wolf down, and kill it.
Kangal bites with 743lbs pressure.

They use 45lbs+ Pitbulls as Catch Dogs here in USA, to catch and hold 2000lbs Bulls by the nose for Branding.

Kangal has been known to be able to run 30 miles an hour for several miles. These are without peer for athletic HUGE dogs.

This 1 weighs in at 200lbs, is 38 inches at the shoulder, and Over 7 feet at the nose.

All these dogs have been bred to do is Guard the Flocks. For 3000 years.


If 200lb are a little less of 100kg then the men in picture is very short, an I wrong? Even shorter than I.
Other people has posted pics from same Mastiffs that I know that have the same weith n I have Ovchakras too, so I know the "scale".
Anyway Kangal is a great dog.

Enjoy together!
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Guy in the photo is 5 feet 10 inches tall. HEs not short. Im 5 feet 5 inches, Im Short.

The dog is over 7 feet tall at the nose standing on 2 legs.

Its not quite as tall as my buddies Irish Wolfhound. But close. Kangal is more powerful though.

A 71lbs Pitbull is Lb/Lb weight pull champ, and aint no dog even close. regardless OF WEIGHT.

The North American Record certified by UKC was held by a 283lbs Mastiff. Pulled 6000lbs.


This dog pulled 171+ times his bodyweight.

A 200lbs Kangal would have to pull 34,200lbs to be lb for lb as strong.

Lb for lb, no dog is as powerful vs a PB.

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Kangal is the hardest biting dog, and can chase a wolf down, and kill it.
Kangal bites with 743lbs pressure.

They use 45lbs+ Pitbulls as Catch Dogs here in USA, to catch and hold 2000lbs Bulls by the nose for Branding.

Kangal has been known to be able to run 30 miles an hour for several miles. These are without peer for athletic HUGE dogs.

This 1 weighs in at 200lbs, is 38 inches at the shoulder, and Over 7 feet at the nose.

All these dogs have been bred to do is Guard the Flocks. For 3000 years.


Btw, I forguet to say you thanks for show my the pic, Sir. I really loves Kangals, Anatolians n Caucassians.

Here, the grsndfather of mines, the famouse "Onso" (RIP).
Pic by Marco & Territorio Presovchakra:


Belive me: I will chose this dog to protector me against any animal or human attack... But he wasent able to control any bull. As well I never would hount big wilg hogs with my Caucassians... I prefer to this any Alano Español or Dogo Argentino...
Each dog race has his work speciality...

Salud.! A pleasure to talk with you, Sir
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Kangal is the hardest biting dog, and can chase a wolf down, and kill it.
Kangal bites with 743lbs pressure.

They use 45lbs+ Pitbulls as Catch Dogs here in USA, to catch and hold 2000lbs Bulls by the nose for Branding.

Kangal has been known to be able to run 30 miles an hour for several miles. These are without peer for athletic HUGE dogs.

This 1 weighs in at 200lbs, is 38 inches at the shoulder, and Over 7 feet at the nose.

All these dogs have been bred to do is Guard the Flocks. For 3000 years.


I want one as an emotional support dog.:bigjoint:

Passive aggressive intimidation really works with the right accessories.:fire:

I want one as an emotional support dog.:bigjoint:

Passive aggressive intimidation really works with the right accessories.:fire:


Je, je, je... An "wild, savage & agressive dangerous" yellow Labrador... The Cesar Millán's nightmare, je, je...
Yeah!!! Spanish León Mastiff (Mastín Español Leones).
My god! Isent the father called "Sansón" maybe? Or "Tarzan"? ...Ok, maybe I cant remember fine his name, but I would swear/jure that I knowed the two parents...
Did you buy your puppie here?
My wife did most of the contact. But he is from leon. His dad was the national champion i believe . I have to look for his name. His dad had darker hair similar to a st benard. We are hoping to visit spain int the next year or so. We want to get a few more and bring them back for breading in California.