Just finished cutting down


Hi just finished cutting my plants for harvest I noticed caylxs all over and opened one up their was a white thing inside when I've hung the buds up there are quite a few still left near the buds I understand these are what you smoke and are made up of tiny ones to form them but will they be ok having these white things inside never seen them before and this is my first grow


Well-Known Member
Could you elaborate, possibly with a pictures?

You could just be looking at plant matter herb seems to look really different from when you dry and cure it compared to how it looks fresh after harvest.

Mad as a fart

Well-Known Member
Nope, as Mr good times said, pick them off and smoke them, they should be strong. Also remember that the top of the buds are the best bongsmilie


The others were fine !! All brown and thrics milky this out of the others was a different strain while the others were done this one wasn't I couldn't be bothered to wait for it !! I posted pics on another topic and they all said one week and that's what I did however this one wasn't ready !


Well-Known Member
yes, you should have def. harvested all the others. they looked fine. that one needed more time is all. even if you finished it under a lower powered light, you would have done better and been more ripe. it is all a learning experience, nobody is trying to put you down just offer an opinion on how things could have been even better.. Have fun with your growing dude.


Hey thanks man I'm ok with everyone's advice wasn't a rant or anything I appreciate your time and effort to read my post and let me no were I go wrong I guess I was worried when I seen the bananas it's shame but hey !! My first grow so I'm happy thanks for all your help I've learned a lot of you lot !!

I've got a inlet outlet running on low a fan blowing oscalating in the tent they all hung upside down.. Outside the tent I've got a de-humid running till 50 percent then turns off how long it usually take to dry


Well-Known Member
I usually turn off my oscillation fan and just let the filtered exhaust move the air. hang for 5-6 days. But you can dry/decarb some in the oven to try it out.