just flushed plant....what next


So I just flushed my plant last night with fresh clean water...now what? How long should I wait b4 i start her back on nutes...:wall:


Well-Known Member
Hi pal, you can use your nutes straight after the flush. This wont harm the plants. I use my full strength nutes straight after i have flushed . i have 3 gallon pots and use 1 liter of my nute Ph6 water. this ensure's that the pot is getting a full dosage to the roots when the pot is wet. But everyone is different on here. This is how i do it...

mookie brown

Active Member
When I used to flush I would wait 2 days before I started feeding again. Don't go by what your planter size is to figure out how much nutes to use. You mix what it says to a gallon container of chlorine free/distilled/or RO water & feed that to your plant. You should hone your skill to get it to where only a little bit will trickle out of bottom. It's important that some trickles out otherwise your girls roots could be sitting in liquid & eventually get root rot. Just my 2 cents.

mookie brown

Active Member
Thanks 4 the info...what do u recomened for aerohydroponics...

Do hempy buckets. I'm just finishing up on my last 2 soil grows & am moving over to the hempy method. It's probably the easiest of them all. You can't over feed with the passive hydroponic way. I'd love to stick around & tell you more but I'm very tired & have a doctors appointment early in the morning. Search hempy bucket, read on it & then hit me up & i'll be happy to explain in laymans terms & get you on the path. Good night


Active Member
then I would recommend either waiting a day before feeding with nutes or you could start them directly back on a 1/2 strength solution .... Its really up to how muh of a risk you want to take. The plants should respond well either way. Good luck to you


Well-Known Member
I would give her a few days to let the water get all around her sytem then hit her with some nutrients.