just for the hell of it


Active Member
i'm growing some plants just to make the room smell a little better :) i got some mech seeds from a friend and all i'm doing is using filtered water and miracle grow potting soil and one of those heat lamps for a snake cage.

I'm about a month into the grow and they're only this big, and other people on here have huge plants after a month. I don't like how the brown leaves on the bottom are always falling off and how some of the leaves on the one are just giving up. Also why are they a little droopy at the ends?

I just want a good healthy lookin plant to chill in the corner and smell good, any tips on how much light to give em, how much water, etc?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Never use a clear container.. and make sure your container has drainage...

WHEN light hits moist soil... scary creatures related to the boogie man will start growing in your dirt... yikes!!



Active Member
i have 2 plants growing in the window sill that look just like that. Just get some cfl's and you will see a diff overnight.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing some plants just to make the room smell a little better

Dude, that is what I call Stoner Housekeeping. Rock on, bro!