Just getting into 4th week flowering Dry Flaky Leaves.

So all my plants look great, except one. Im using the same nutrient program on this plant as the others, its the same strain as well. But it seems to have alot of leaves like this one that are crackly and feel like they are drying out. Its budding just fine looks and smells ok. But the plant itself doesnt look so good. Any one have any clue or ideas of whats up with this one?


You have either a PH problem of Nutrient deficiency or toxicity, basically either its getting too much not enough or the PH is off and cannot absorb the nutrient properly. If you take some more pics and tell me more about the setup and what you are doing ill try to help you the best i can.

BTW they are looking very nice :)
Well they were starting to feel flaky and crispy and i just flushed it and watered it again and it seems the leaves feel better now. a bit more happy and they have some moisture coming back to them today so i think it might have been a ph problem. guessing i was a little to high to water them and maybe forgot to ph down or something. thank you for the help though !