Just Getting M


Hey everyone, just getting started on my first grow and wanted to pick everyone's brains for tips. I am growing in organic soil (humbolt soil brand) and using the General Hydroponic Go Series (which is organic also). I soaked my 5 Chemdog and 1 Ny47 (NY Diesel and AK 47 cross) feminized seeds from Greenhouse Seeds in filtered water (i have city water). My seedlings are under two T12 40 watt fluoros on a 24 hour on cycle. Here is a pic of where I have progressed after 8 days from germination:

I have ordered an adjustable/dimmable 1000 watt hid that takes either hps or mh bulbs. I will be using mh for vegetative period. I have only added 25% of the recommended fertillizer dose and will up it by 25% per week until it is full strength. My friend at the local hydro-ponics shop told me to mist my plants when they're about 2 week old with a mixture of water and neem oil every other day to make them more resistant to disease and pests. I will be adding a co2 bucket to add a little extra co2 to my room when I put them under 1000 watters.
So how does this all sound and what tips do you have for me? I have read quite a bit on this site and at THCFarmer as well. Thanks ahead of time for the help.


New Member
they look a small bit stretched, you might wanna bury them a bit or even right up to the cotyledons that way you'll have a nice compact plants in your 1000 watt system. CO2 is something that only helps once everything else is dialed in. They also look spindly, do you have a fan on them?


I do have an oscillating fan on them. I was just reading about adding soil to the cotyledons and will get right on that.


Active Member
I've never heard of misting them with neem oil? That stuff is so stinky...I avoid using it unless necessary...plus, it seems hard on the plants. If your grow room is clean and bug free now - I would reconsider the neem oil until you need it.



Well, my house is quite old and on a very woodsy ravine lot. I've had quite problem this year with ants and am concerned with infestation and disease. My friend suggested that I could use dilluted neem oil for pest control as opposed to other pesticides. But I'm not opposed to eliminating unnecessary steps! Thanks for your input.


Thought I'd give an update and ask for a little advice again...I germinated these babies on June 23rd and put them under 1000W MH on July 10. They have received 2 waterings (one with 25% and one with 50% strength fertillizer). I noticed after about 3 days that some of the larger bottom fan leaves were curling up (on maybe 3 of the 6) so I turned the wattage down to 750 W and raised the lights 6 inches in case it was heat that caused it. There doesn't seem to be any further curling. Was that the problem and will they be ok now? Any help would be appreciated.

kbo ca

Active Member
leaf edges curl up like that from heat. I would cut back on the feed a bit aswell just to give em some time to recoop. Respect


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the nutrients so early, you dont need to give them much at first. When they are really young like the ones in the cups they dont need any at all.

Pat Man

Active Member
I don't see any evidence of nute burn so you don't really need to cut back but your environment definitely seems to be too hot.