Just getting started, need advice!


Well-Known Member
I am just getting started growing my own autoflowering plants. I got some Purple Ryder seeds and was just wondering what i need to do. I know how to get the seeds to germinate, but I don't really know what do do after that. I have grown vegetable gardens b4 but never cannibus. Any helpful hints as to fertilizers and foods would be appreciated. I don't want to get crazy here, just wand to grow a plant or 2 in a window bow and would like to get all my foods and fertilizers from home depot or agway... these lil guys are supposed to grow in about 7 weeks BTW.


Well-Known Member
you have alot to learn, thats ok. I would start by reading as much as you can on this site before even germinating them. a window will not be enough generally as far as lighting. For some reason the growfaq is gone on here, which would have help you a ton. so just search around the site for hours and you'll pick it up.

Instead of using the window, get some cheap compact flourscent bulbs, the more the better. build a small box if possible. as far as fertilizer i recommend fox farm or a similar product. available at hydro stores and some specialty plant/pet stores. just a little help, but there is alot more to it.

read, read, read and dont be afraid to ask lots of specific questions. good luck


Well-Known Member
I was planning on building the box on the outside of the window. it is hard to explain but trust me... they will get more than enough light. I live in town but my window is kind of hidden. there is a roof that it looks directly to and there is a small tree that kind of hides it from the street. I am only wanting to grow a couple autoflowering dwarf plants from it. any idea what kind of soil? sould i use potting soil or regular soil. should I use the kind of soil for flowers or for gardens? should i use regular soil and mix in some dried cow shit? this is what i am wanting to know... I know I have a lot to learn and I have been researching non stop for the last couple days... I want to grow some of these outside after i get the hang of things. I want to grow them in the window box so i can monitor them when i first start growning. If I grow a male auto flowering plant next to a female... will the seeds produce more autoflowering plants? trust me i don't know much, but i am willing to learn!


growing sucsesfully is a long prosess of falures and triumphs! from seed is not always the easiest rout, you may have a friend or a way to get a plant already rooted, just to see if growing is really for you. the last post sais it all! read read read, "the complete medical marijuana growers bible" is an awsome full color full discription on everything you would need to start from hydro to soil to lights and food. dont get discouraged, try new things just dont over feed and expext to get anyting but burnt plants! remember its you that wants to get burnt not your babies! over feeding and over watering are the biggest new growers downfall. less is more! Respect


Well-Known Member
ok, don't over water or over feed. with other plants, "not cannibus" i would normally water once in the mornings... but i am not sure on the nutrients... for 1 or 2 small plants that are supposed to get to 10 or 12 inches average... what nutrients should i use and how much should i use? the plant is supposed to mature and finish at about 7 weeks... so i don't imagine i will need to use much plant food. are there nutrients that i can buy at home depot or tractor supply that would work well?


Well-Known Member
ok, dont start fertilizing until they are a few weeks old. start them out at about a 1/4 strength of the recommended amount and slowly work your way up. depending on the fert and the strength of it you will want to keep your eye out for nute burn or other issues. some fertilizers are stronger than others and some plants are more touchy. some people use miracle grow or stuff like that. I would still recommend something more specialized like a fox farm or something like that. available online as well. and no it wont take much nutes. you wont come close to going through a bottle on a couple dwarfs. Also, overwatering can be a big issue for new growers. let the soil dry out before watering again. there might be a 2-3 day period between waterings depending on pot size. you will eventually learn to read the plants to help you with all this. a dehydrated plant will look droopy and weak if it is underwatered. although drooping can be from overwatering too lol. take a look at the pics in plant problems forum if any of this comes up.

as far as soil this is what i do.... i use black gold soil, but any potting soil will work. i ammend it with worm castings and a little more perlite for drainage. you dont have to do this, any decent potting soil will work fine. dont get prefertilized soil, it can burn them when they are seedlings.

as far as males next to females, unless you want to give up your entire crop of bud to seedy buds, dont do it. not sure on the autoflower seeds part.

good luck and shoot more questions!!