Just got a life time supply of gum....


Well-Known Member
a good person i know just gave me a shit load of gum. its good gum 2.

its ORBIT, Altoids, extra, different flavors.

its all boxed up in their factory boxes.

so now i ask u guys for help,

what can i do to make money out of this gum??

who can i sell it 2??
i dont know 2 much about the gum industry...

sorry im really high right now but i hope u guys can help me out...


Well-Known Member
Lol I know somone was gonna say something like this,

he actually closed down his convinient store and he just had so much gum he gave me and somone else the majority of it,

so any suggestions?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
go to a local convenience store and ask them? Try to get in the guiness book of world records for biggest wad, bubble etc.?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was actually going to go to the flea market that is open every Sunday, and see if I could sell it there,

eBay sounds like a good idea maybe ...

Anyone else?


Active Member
ill give you like 10 bux for 500 packs. i think that sounds reasonable.

wtf i would just keep it and be the guy who always fucking has a pack of gum. you would probably get farther in life, and have more succesfull friendships. I would deff be on the good side of the guy who always gives me a peice of gum you know.. like at any time i need gum i know that mother fucker has gum. for free.

you could sell it to people... people buy gum.. say a orbit pack is like 2 bucks, sell em in packs of 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, etc. packs but for like a dollar cheaper than would it would be..., booyahka idk im stoned but thats my 2cents man.

Sr. Verde

I used to sell gum in High School, along with many other candies...

I'd go buy it in big ass boxes and then sell it for cheap, for instance I'd get 50 packages of M&M's for like $.56 each, and then I'd sell it for $1... Make about 50% and sell a few hundred dollars of candy a week.

Made a few hundred bucks a week just going to classes, I ended up recruiting some friends to expand to different classes and different customers.

Maybe you could put this idea in someone in schools head? Finals and midterms were the best, everyone wanted some gum, and I actually sold it cheaper than Wal Mart


Active Member
sell it to the ice cream man or little liquor store anything that's owned by a person or family not a corp