Just got my first job in 2 years

I'd say congrats but damn that sucks.. work sucks. Mainly the not having free time part
Danksta is a young guy, it's good for him to socialize and network while getting paid to do so. As a bonus, bars and restaurants easily expand your clientele. The down side to not being employed for many years is it feels impossible to start again because you get too accustomed to only doing your own thing. I think it's great that he started back at a new gig, it'll give him a broader perspective and create opportunities for him.
Danksta is a young guy, it's good for him to socialize and network while getting paid to do so. As a bonus, bars and restaurants easily expand your clientele. The down side to not being employed for many years is it feels impossible to start again because you get too accustomed to only doing your own thing. I think it's great that he started back at a new gig, it'll give him a broader perspective and create opportunities for him.
And still kinda sucks in the end..
I actually landed one of the best gigs of my career from a temp agency so it really all depends on the situation. I always feel
If you don't give them any option other than to hire you or promote you then you've done your job. No company, even a temp company, would get rid of someone who is a better or stronger worker than others they have hired. I'm a sucker for the "work your fucking ass off and harder than everyone else and good things will come your way" motto.