Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!


Well-Known Member
hey wicked setup man.....
Im subd.... even tho your gay and all....lol....just kidding ....:hump:
LOL!! Thanks, however I'm the anti-gay guy in there remember? lol. Thanks for sub'in, Update every tuesday night at about midnight!

nice set up man.... looks really nice... i have 2 600 watt hps working out good so far...oh and ur lights for the seedlings look great too... i wish i had thought of making my own.... i went with the t5...
Ya dude, In retrospect i wish to GOD i woulda went with a fricken 600watt or even a 400watt. Too god damned hot in there, had to modify my whole fricken room to accommodate for it lol. I also changed my seedling lights to different ones, don't think i ever got pics up of em, Ill be sure to do that tho. The old lights were HORRIBLE lights for growing, 32watt 4100k's. I upgraded to 6500k T5's. And also put a 4 lamp light of the same T5's in the mother box. So ya, few upgrades since the start of things hehe. Thanks for lookin in man. Updates Every tuesday!

Slo the plants look awesome dude! very nice spacing for sure! and the room improvements are very nice as well!
What up yo! Thanks man, Yer plants are coming along just as nicely too sir! And that cloner is genius! Wish we were close by to check each others shit out hehe! Come back tuesday to see these babies, 4 days till update but as of right now they are already fricken bushy as fuck lol. Little buds have already started up top! hehe


Well-Known Member
LOL!! Thanks, however I'm the anti-gay guy in there remember? lol. Thanks for sub'in, Update every tuesday night at about midnight!
That makes....(counts his fingers...index first) one of us.....And due to extenuating circumstances....If u dont mind.... that is.... im gonna need you to change the update... to monday mournings.... and proceed to frquently changing the day every week ...to the day i happen too log on ...... you basically have a 2 hr window from the time i wake up ....to the time a fall into a induced food coma... which is probly around 1230ish pacific time.... hope it works out..... your cooperation would be highly appreciated..fucket lets do lunch....


Well-Known Member
That makes....(counts his fingers...index first) one of us.....And due to extenuating circumstances....If u dont mind.... that is.... im gonna need you to change the update... to monday mournings.... and proceed to frquently changing the day every week ...to the day i happen too log on ...... you basically have a 2 hr window from the time i wake up ....to the time a fall into a induced food coma... which is probly around 1230ish pacific time.... hope it works out..... your cooperation would be highly appreciated..fucket lets do lunch....
lol! I will have to see what my schedule looks like. I'll schedule a meeting with my secretary and see what i can do about best accommodating yer lifestyle. I'm a busy guy tho man, Iono if i can handle that.


Well-Known Member
Sooo ya, I made a booboo! Shoulda watered the mother plant last night, but didn't, wasn't keeping tabs on my notes close enough and this is what happened :sad:

Poor girl! Droopy as fuck! I watered her with some B1 so hopefully she bounces back ok! Fricken lame! Need to pay more attention


Well-Known Member
good thing about white widow it grows in almost any enviroment .....the degree of difficulty is rather low...ive heard....
Not really a big fan of nirvana....but i think white widow is one of the best sativa strains u can find.....
I never really deal with ankind of droppping (cause im the grow mastah) but from time to time a vegger will drop.... and usuallly its a sign it needs watering..... and it usually just perks right back up.... i would be worrried if it doesnt perk right back up after that watering.....
My guess would be your spending to much time banging your assistant (secretary).... u know the tranny....lol keep a close eye man ... n stop firking around......


Well-Known Member
good thing about white widow it grows in almost any enviroment .....the degree of difficulty is rather low...ive heard....
Not really a big fan of nirvana....but i think white widow is one of the best sativa strains u can find.....
I never really deal with ankind of droppping (cause im the grow mastah) but from time to time a vegger will drop.... and usuallly its a sign it needs watering..... and it usually just perks right back up.... i would be worrried if it doesnt perk right back up after that watering.....
My guess would be your spending to much time banging your assistant (secretary).... u know the tranny....lol keep a close eye man ... n stop firking around......
lol ya, She perked up just fine. Just didn't realize how long it was. Thin she went 5 days no water. Ouch. I'll get some pics tonight around midnightish


Well-Known Member
Ya baby! Mama bounced back like a mofo! Look at her sexy self! Just need to get a better light I think :(



Well-Known Member
ya i would flip em very soon ....there pretty tall.....
Your t5 looks real efficiant...... my t5 is a 2 bulb 2ft wide.... so i have to convert to the 400hps at around 2 weeks, when there about 1ft tall to ensure maximum light exposure too the lower leaves ....to ensure less strching and maximum growth....
So what are u waiting for dont you have a hps???? Are u goin for beasters???


Well-Known Member
Well, that's my mother plant so not gonna flip her and i have 4 plants almst 2 weeks into flower under a 1000w HPS that's why the mother plant is a tall beast and branchy :D


Well-Known Member
i like your style.... keeping mothers is a good idea...cuts for years....... but lets get some diiferrent varieties in there ... dont you want a plethera of diiferent smoke.????... pronto!!..... im talking you got 5 days before i unscribe here .... get it together ...


Well-Known Member
lol, 4 plants in the Flower box, 2 plants in the mother box, 6 seeds starting, 3 more seeds waiting to be planted, Going to have one mother to try and get cloning down before I move on to other strains. Prolly have 2 mothers of my strains i like the most and 6 flowering while 6 are vegging. That puts me at 14 plants total, 1 plant under state maximum. That's also a 6 plant harvest every 5-6 weeks. I'm golden :D


Well-Known Member
Aight here we go. Plants are STILL doing awesome *knock on wood*. The only problems of this grow has been at the beginning when i was using the wrong lights and probably the soil i was using which caused them to grow slowly. But that's all in the past cuz these babies are doing amazing! I just watered them yesterday, stopped using Grow Big, if that's a nono, please let me know. I also was having an issue with seeing some rust on the leaves, but it hasn't gotten worse infact the plants seem to have forgotten they had the rust spots lol. Anyways, here's some awesome pics! Enjoy:



Well-Known Member
wow man, just went through all 20 pages. subbbbed for sure. i hope my grow is as sucessful as yours has been
who the hell is this guy ???? 20 pages???? i see.....so your trying to take my man away ..... with all that i read 20 pages crap......
Well i read 22 pages ....ha!... cause i read a couple twice.....

Yo slojo wth??? i thought this thread was just for us man....now u got this guy here....thats it! its over ...
Remem what u told me last week...... pshhhhh.... whore!!!

Hey Look !!! there goes a squirrel!!! Okay now that should distract them for a few minutes.....
sheeeshh.... i thought we'd never be alone ..... there lookin good .... so good..... the plants that is....haha


Well-Known Member
wow man, just went through all 20 pages. subbbbed for sure. i hope my grow is as sucessful as yours has been
Sweet man, let's hope you stick around, lotta people make profiles and after about a month they get bored. Welcome to RIU and my journal man. Good luck on yer grow too :D

who the hell is this guy ???? 20 pages???? i see.....so your trying to take my man away ..... with all that i read 20 pages crap......
Well i read 22 pages ....ha!... cause i read a couple twice.....

Yo slojo wth??? i thought this thread was just for us man....now u got this guy here....thats it! its over ...
Remem what u told me last week...... pshhhhh.... whore!!!

Hey Look !!! there goes a squirrel!!! Okay now that should distract them for a few minutes.....
sheeeshh.... i thought we'd never be alone ..... there lookin good .... so good..... the plants that is....haha
Dude ... gay ... no ... lol


Well-Known Member
thanks for the invite :) great looking...all of them, btw (must have missed it) what size pots are ur flowering plants in?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the invite :) great looking...all of them, btw (must have missed it) what size pots are ur flowering plants in?
Yo exception! No prob, welcome. Got em 3gal pots due to room restrictions. 5 gal pots would have been a tad too much. Might have worked with these 4, but I will be having 6 plants in the closet for flowering once I get my rotation down, so you can see that It's going to be hell even with 3 Gal buckets hehe.


Well-Known Member
They sleepin! lol, they wake up at Midnight! so that's when the pics will be comin, I made em into vampires :D