just got raided! cops choked me an punched an then entered without warrent


Well-Known Member
With police your damned if you do,damned if you don't. This past summer I had called the police for assistance. A neighbor was having a yard sale and some A-hole parked on my lawn, not in the driveway,or on the side of the driveway, but full on drove right into my yard and parked. This is an ongoing problem, so I had asked the police what I should do about it and was told to just call them and they would handle it .... ya right. Once they arrived I got an attitude right away...I explained what was going on and that I wanted this vehicle removed, the cop started asking me about why MY car was parked in MY driveway..wanting to see MY license...He then proceeded to tell me if I don't move MY car I was "going downtown", and that he could arrest me on kidnapping and vehicle larceny charges. At this point I lost it, luckily my nieghbor came running over and defused the situation...The cops(a second one arrived shortly after I started screaming at the first cop),let the people parked on my lawn go without so much as saying" you shouldn't park on peoples lawns." They both then got on me about if they have to come back to my house for any reason they are taking me down to the station and THEN they will figure out what's going on. I was also told I have no recourse if someone wants to drive over my property, they told me to line my yard with boulders so no one can drive into my yard. For every 1 cop that was cool,there's been a dozen A-holes. Keep on fighting,it's worth it if you value your rights..And to all the dirty,underhanded, scumbag cops out there, I hope you contract a fatal case of lead poisoning!


Well-Known Member
Anyways, just got out of interview or whatever you wanna call it...

The luitenant said there WAS a search warrant and should have been left at scene or with me an lawyer can get access to it. Which we are doing so. He said he has not seen it personally and the people on video were NOT local police. He said he would bring to his superiors an see what course of action to be taken now that im on record with statements against him with a positive id.

Sucks, so pretty much the FEDS did raid me legally (so they say, we getting warrant). They know i have medical card now and its either he will be pissed an come fuck with me cause FEDS can or he will back off cause video an witness of situation... cant wait to see how the hell they got the warrant. Maybe, one of the medical cards i looked at when i gave a local cardholder meds was fake. Even though it was not illegal transaction.


Well-Known Member

I have nothing more to add other than I think nughunter is giving you solid advice and that something is still fishy. WHy would DEA serve a warrant on a local, small grow?? thats local pd domain......I would keep pressing till all facts are in the open. Call me paranoid but Between the lines, Im seeing a few bad cops with friends with DEA jackets and an internal affairs dept that would rather this just go away so if they appease u into dropping it,........theyre worklist doesnt get longer......I say screw that, press, press, press and then seek compensation for your traumatic experience. No idea if you'd even have a chance but principle is principle, the majority of us are good people who are treated like criminals.

Good luck, I'll def be reading along.