just got seeds


i got some seeds from a friend, he said it could be anything from NY diesel to northern lights. I put some seeds in a wet/moist paper towel and have them sitting in a dark place, this was done 10-8-11.
My plan is to have a small grow just for me. Im either going to use an old PC case or stack two sterilite container on top of each other. Nothing fancy, it just has to be 100% stealth. I am growing in a 2nd floor apartment. The lights are going to be CFL due to the small space and the bulbs do not produce a lot of heat.

Let me know what you think i should do to improve the outcome of this grow.



Well-Known Member
use some pc fans as intake and exaust fans.well you dont really need a intake fan,you can just have passive intake.
hopefully youll be able to fit a tiny fan in your grow box to.if not then you should definatly have a intake fan.
and you'll need to flower early otherwise your plant/s will out grow the space you have,youll probably need to LST aswell.
really for the size of space you have low ryder strains would be ideal.


Make sure you keep this thread going it will be cool to watch your progress from seed. CFL's give off more lumens from the sides rather than horizontal like in your pics, and i'm sure you know you will need more of them as your grow progresses. Good job so far.


Well-Known Member
make sure you have a fan blowing on low to strengthen up the stems, and get your lights a little closer so they don't stretch


Well-Known Member
i would put those in solo cups with dirt up to the bottom leaves and then try to keep my lights closer and increase the output also a fan blowing on them to stimulate strength building in the stalk.


some pics. some of the leaves are turning a little yellowish



Well-Known Member
too much water and not enough light...i'll be surprised if they make it another week or two. not trying to be mean...just sayin. that dirt should be up to the two water leaves when you're transplanting.

I say they need a shot of big bloom....something high in phosphorus for the next week or two then hit them with the N.


Active Member
down to three??? id put them in some fox farm soil or roots organic.. looks like your using back yard dirt? they probably wont last long in that soil. also are you giving any nutes? i think it would be good to start on very small amounts of nutes. like a quarter of what is recommended, say if your using fox farm nutes. i dotn know about the other brands.


Active Member
wanted to give you guys an update
Those look better. What type of soil is that? If it's good soil ignore BUDS. Don't feed those girls yet. They'll grow slow for the first two to three weeks then they'll explode. What nute are you using?


Active Member
If that is dirt you just dug up in the yard you'll shock the hell outta those girls when you go to transplant. It's better to start off in the soil you plan on using. I use RO potting soil. If it is plain dirt then yes I'd fed her very diluted nutes to get her acclimated to them.


its miracle grow that has 10-10-10 and is supposed to last 6 months. the problem i had was my PH was 9.6 I've now changed it to 6.2 and the plants are doing very well now!


Well-Known Member
its miracle grow that has 10-10-10 and is supposed to last 6 months. the problem i had was my PH was 9.6 I've now changed it to 6.2 and the plants are doing very well now!

Good job! Half the battle is figuring out what is actually wrong :mrgreen: