Just got some Blueberry *pictures*


Too many brownies
Yuuuuummm...this stuff smells soooo good.

Tastes just like blueberry's when you smoke it.

Only problem I have with it is its a little dry....



Well-Known Member
Cant belive your complaining about it being dry, lol. Dam, your lucky.

Really nice pics tho man.


Well-Known Member
Nice bro, but its hard to comment when your smoking and were not...lol
That looks like some dank ass shit....MMMMMMM
Did you grow or buy it, always wanted to smoke some blueberry shit.
The seeds are kind of pricy, im growing some purple power and bb cheese


Well-Known Member
ya it look kinda dry and stringy. do you know where it was grown? the quality looks good i see crystals its jsut kinda bricky. know what i mean. maybe the pics dont do enough justice. is it still in nug form?


Too many brownies
I dunno...my friend is saying it doesnt look that good...like lawn clippings or something....

He doesnt even think its blueberry. :?


Well-Known Member
It looks really dark and homegrowny if you know what I mean.
But it's how it smokes that really matters, not how it looks :P


Too many brownies
I paid 150 for a quarter of this stuff...

My buddies are all saying I got ripped off big time...what do you guys think?

Did I get ripped off?

He said an ounce was 650 8)


Too many brownies
7 grams for 150

thats 22 dollars a gram and I bought a quarter.


The smoke is pretty harsh :spew:

the taste is like blueberry air freshener though...like with the chemically taste of air freshener and all.