Just Harvested!!!! First Grow w/ Pics - Comments Welcome

Im fucking stoked!!!! I harvested my first plant a few days ago and left it drying in my closet for 3.5 days. Today I put it into a big glass jar so it can cure over the next 2 weeks (hopefully I dont smoke it). So anyways it felt very dry on the outside but i didnt water for about 8 days before harvest, it was drying up already before I harvested and I think this is why it dried so fast. That and the buds were not very big. Well let's cut to the chase and see those pictures.

NL after 3.5 days drying:

And here is the ak-48 I cut down today and is now drying:

In case you guys were wondering, these were grown under a 400w hps. There are two more plants finishing up. I will update with pics of the cured NL as well as the progress of ak48 as she goes through drying into curing.


Nice job man, looks a LOT LOT LOT almost identical to my NL x Skunk. Take more time on your trimming, in my opinion. I just think, I would rather have 1 1/2 OZ good buds and 10 grams of oil/hash than have 7 grams of oil and an extra 10-14 grams of spindly little tiny nugs. Just my 2 cents great job though!
Yeah i kept lots of little popcorn nugs but i dont mind smoking those( im gonna smoke those while the big buds cure longer) Im a bit worried about how dry they are, I most definitely dont want mold but i dont want them too dry either. the stems didnt snap, but they feel very very dry on the outside.

Thanks for the positive feedback, it looks much more dank than i expected, im playing the waiting game with smell though.
Thanks guys/gals, I cant wait til I get to smoke it. It smelt very good when growing but now after a few days of drying it does not have much smell anymore. Will a the smell come back as I cure over the next few weeks?

The ak smelt very sweet, almost like artificial cherry or strawberry with a very musky undertone. Whatever the smell is I do not want to lose it while drying, is there any way to preserve/retrieve the smell from when they were growing. Thanks for any info.


Active Member
during the curing process the smell and taste will become stronger and more flavor should come out due to the fact that the moisture from within will be coming to the surface. So most likely yess the smell will get somewhat stronger


Active Member
Yea the smell will come back a bit. All curing does is transfers moisture from inside the stem and bud, to the outside. This repeated process durring curing is what brings out the true potential in the bud. Congrats on the harvest!


Well-Known Member
Nice and frosty! My smell came back with my last NL. No worries! I thought I had done something horribly wrong but after a few weeks the pine smell went away and my jars smelled great! I have another NL going right now, day 61 and I can't wait! How long did you let yours go?

I wish I could figure out how to put a link in my sig line.:wall:
Nice and frosty! My smell came back with my last NL. No worries! I thought I had done something horribly wrong but after a few weeks the pine smell went away and my jars smelled great! I have another NL going right now, day 61 and I can't wait! How long did you let yours go?

I wish I could figure out how to put a link in my sig line.:wall:
I vegged for 3 - 3.5 weeks from the day the first round leaves came out (very first leaves of the plant) and flowered her for approx 8 weeks to the day (almost). She turned out good and her smell is getting better just after 5 days of curing, 2-3 weeks will give a dynamite flavor hopefully, I may let it cure for 8 weeks since i'll be on vacation for a while.

Well here is a few more pics of the ak48 i cut down the same day i uploaded the pics, here she is after 5 days of drying.

ak48 day 1 cure.jpgak48 day 1 cure (2).jpgak48 day 1 cure (3).jpgak48 day 1 cure (4).jpgak48 day 1 cure (5).jpg

this bud smells amazing already, much much better than the NL. A nice long cure will be hard to finish. Only got about 10 grams from this plant but the bud is primo so im not complaining. enjoy the pics


Active Member
Looks like some nice bud lovin all that frost looks dipped in sugar, nice job!
Hows it smoke, smoke report?
Im gonna let it cure another week or so before I do a smoke report on it, I only have a few grams of it so i gotta make the most of it. thanks for the comment hogg.
heres an update on the curing process, its been 2 weeks to the day for the NL and 1 week for the AK. Idk if they are looking better but the buds feel much more moist like they should and smell fucking amazing, heres a few pics I snapped this morning.

The AK

Ak-48 1 week cure (2).jpgAk-48 1 week cure (3).jpgAk-48 1 week cure (4).jpgAk-48 1 week cure (1).jpgak-48 1 weeek cure.jpg

and the Northern Lights.
NL 2 weeks cure (2).jpgNL 2 weeks cure (3).jpgNL 2 weeks cure (1).jpg