Just harvested my first plant! (Single Plant, 150 watt hps, Pics)


70.3 grams dry!

So its been seven days since the harvest of my plant and I have declared the buds dry. I cut off all of the major stems and weighed the buds and it came out to a astounding 70.3 grams dry. I was pretty stoked to see such a high number especially since I was guessing around 35 grams. The buds are now in a glass container curing. The container is in my dresser drawer and will stay there (except for the bi-daily moisture ventings) for 3-5 weeks. I plan to loose another ten grams or so to the curing process which'll leave me at around 60 grams.

The weight of my first grow has FAR exceeded my expectations. I will keep you guys posted when I find out how the potency is.



I vegg my Northern Lights for 12 weeks,and blueberrys for 10(or so) and mine are right at 32 " tall & 36 " in girth, and depending on soil, light, and humidity conditions, a body can do even better than that from clones at 11 weeks as I am right now----(pictures to follow). I have all mine set up in 5 gallon buckest, unser a 1000 wat Metal Halide, that burns 20 Hrs. a day for the duration of vegg, then it's lights out to a 12/12 cycle, and I've done 13 zipps a plat at that level, so you should do well !