Just How Did I Know?


Active Member
idk, they said chivalry is dead. You have to have been knighted to be chivalrous, otherwise it doesn't count. I still hold doors for people, unless they look like a douchbag. And I'd happily toss the other males out of the lifeboat to make room for more ladies.. now thats what I call self-preservation. Gonna have a party, gotta keep everybody warm..


Well-Known Member
I sure love to be judged for having a penis. That seems to be the gist of the opinion you're putting up here WW. I mean, I'd like to think that I would be a "bigger man" and try to provide help for whoever I could regardless of age or gender. But who knows until I'm faced with that situation. I like to think of myself as courageous. I've spent a lot of time contemplating death and have had some good near death experiences over the years. All that aside, what does bother me is the way you lump all men together like they're one person. That is harsh judgement. One could call it a form of prejiduce. I could certainly say that it reflects poorly upon your gender, but I certainly wouldn't stoop to that, as I don't believe it is true. However, I encourage you to consider how it reflects upon you personally when you make such generalizations.

But I know, LOL, it's just a message board. Carry on.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I was trying to be humorous. It obviously did not work. Actually I thought most of you would have understood by now that I like to joke around a bit. If I hurt some male feelings I'm sorry I didn't really mean to infer that I'd let all of you drown. Well, maybe a few.

If you want to be serious my hubby doesn't swim so I'd probably stay with him. If it was like the Costa Concordia I'd just float on my back and rest him on my chest and float him to shore. Of course I'd only do that if he had made me a happy woman earlier that day.

FYI-I swam competitively

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't think it's fair to assume that all the men just abandoned their wives and kids. selfish or not, people tend to try to save their families. trying to save strangers in a disaster takes a certain type of person whether the strangers are women/kids or not. trying to save oneself instead of some lady he doesn't know doesn't make anyone an asshole. it's a fucked up situation.

lifeboats and rafts can sink and get tossed around, so it stands to reason that weaker people might not make it. water rescues are extremely difficult, and in all of the examples in the article there were issues with lifeboats. there either weren't enough, or people couldn't get to them. i don't see how the efforts of men could have changed the outcome very much.