Just how lazy are you?


Well-Known Member
I'm that lazy

Where i used to work if a customer came in i used to hide so someone else would serve them

If the dog is hungry i chuck a whole can of dog food out the backyard
If the dog still barks i chuck out a can opener and yell now stop frigin whinging

I on purpose sleep in so the wife tidies up the kitchen from the night before

I let the phone ring out and go to the answering machine because i cant be bothered talking or finding out who it is till later

I don't dry inbetween my toes properly because i can't be bothered

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
When I open a bag of chips I finish the bag so I don't have to close it properly and put it away. I always use the cruise control and control my speed with the steering wheel my hands are already on. I'll pay extra for someone to pump my gas. I buy non wrinkle clothes because I won't be ironing shit.

Glad to see I'm not the only person with the "itis".


New Member
Break up the stone piece and use in the garden. Or leave the stone piece and plant some mint or something in it.
Edit: Sorry, too ambitious for this thread :bigjoint:

psstttt.......way waye way too much.I have some company on the way so I was forced to do the dishes.Luckily I keep the bathroom spic n span ,so no worries there.