just introduced 1000w hps week 4 flower growth stopped dont look right please help

Hey everyone first grow not sure what's going on need help asap I just switched from t5 and cfl to hps 1000w 5 days ago now on day 31 switch ed added a Nutes also nectar for the gods mega morphosis also use it for foliage spray growth stopped and doesn'tlook right I also post up explaining the whole grow in newbie thank you possibly root bound quantum kush



Well-Known Member
Carpeting? LOL

Growth generally slows after the first month of flowering (the stretch). Nutes are likely off a bit, probably on the overfed side.


Well-Known Member
definitely showing some nute problems including N tox and possibly ph off. Also, 4 weeks might be too late to do a huge jump in photons. Maybe someone with more experience can chime in, but i think you arent going to get anywhere near same buds you would have gotten if 1000 HPS from 12/12
Carpeting? LOL

Growth generally slows after the first month of flowering (the stretch). Nutes are likely off a bit, probably on the overfed side.
Yup carpet in an apartment... Damn tho is it to late to turn it around and yield decent ty tho
definitely showing some nute problems including N tox and possibly ph off. Also, 4 weeks might be too late to do a huge jump in photons. Maybe someone with more experience can chime in, but i think you arent going to get anywhere near same buds you would have gotten if 1000 HPS from 12/12
None of my bloom Nutes have any N... That news breaks my heart so how much bigger should I expect the buds to get?


Well-Known Member
well, that clawing look could also be a bit of overwatering. did you water them within a day before this pic? do you wait until the pots are pretty light before you water/feed? do you have a ph meter? this is the time that the buds should get bigger, the next few weeks. how careful are you on this thing getting 12 hours uninterrupted darkness? yield is so hard to predict, if this finishes in 4 weeks or less you wont get a huge amount. if it finishes in 6 more weeks, you might pull some decent weight.
well, that clawing look could also be a bit of overwatering. did you water them within a day before this pic? do you wait until the pots are pretty light before you water/feed? do you have a ph meter? this is the time that the buds should get bigger, the next few weeks. how careful are you on this thing getting 12 hours uninterrupted darkness? yield is so hard to predict, if this finishes in 4 weeks or less you wont get a huge amount. if it finishes in 6 more weeks, you might pull some decent weight.
Yea I'm really careful and yes I watered today I usually end up doing so 3x at least it's like she can't get enough but sense I introduced the light she hasn't gotten length at all but gains density and that's the only growth besides widening a tiny bit so u can imagine how stressed I am


Well-Known Member
Damn that carpet looks comfortable :cool: imagining walking on it barefoot... would be shame to spoil it :lol:

Anyway checking your last thread you have some nute burn for sure which has progressed.

The clawing could be N toxicity or overwatering (or both).

I can't figure out what nutes you are using... so I'd suggest posing the *exact* nutrients. Which products and how much? How often are you watering?
I am using Fox farm grow big for veg then switched to cutting-edge solution bloom with nectar for the gods megamorpheus using them exactly as told 2 t. Per gal every other water ffgb then the bloom 15-20 ml per gal and notg 2-3 per gal. Which that is new I do water more often then some and the clawing is OLD I veged her lil over 3 mo I flushed before flower then used 4 diff. Trainingmethods but that's all in my other post the only other stuff I've done not on Nutes is use nftg as folia r spray and have use clone x as spray and occasionally a water during veg to try for more roots and I have bone and blood meal used as fert and a lil tea and coffee with orange and nanna but that was all when I first transplant ed months ago she blew up this is first time seeming stunned not growing bugs but only had 1 vel 1 small 4bulb t5 and a t5 strip just added the hps but it was like first week flower great growth for the lights and nute so I'm worried she is rootbound maybe I did notice the burn however but I think that's cause the bloom says to use every water idk I jus need not just wantneed a decent harvest I had to spend some of my rent $ for the hps also got court shit and just in overall baf standings


Well-Known Member
It looks like some overwatering and possibly root bound. When in flower they do not need as much water as you may think. I would repot into bigger container with fresh soil and start over from there regards water and feed. You will put her back a week maybe but with patience she will come along. As to the light, just back it off a bit regards height with the 1k as she will not be used to it but she will get used to it in a matter of days if you treat her gently...