Yeah to be honest I don't really dig when rappers keep doing comparisons saying, 'i'm like' a lot.. I dig the metaphors and some rappers come up with some amazing shit
Like technique on that was some ill shit, but I didn't like the other dude.... 'blacker than the children of jefferson' LOL hell yeah.
I tried finding this song called, 'seriously' by Cormega ft. Cannibus, but Its so underground it's not on the internet
anyway, cannibus (play on cannabis

) comes in saying this,
"yo -
The secret of the ages - I illuminate with logic, when I speak it's more than just deep it's bottomless, with common sense -
I'm organized like crime in mafias, plus the way I rhyme is prime like optimus... a rap-ologist you can sit and do the knowledge with ...with GED's and different degrees from ivy league colleges..."
then it pops into the next dude
helllla sick on the underlined part