Just lost 3,000$ worth of clones

That shows you not to putt all your eggs in one basket. If it was me I would get two clones of two different strains veg them and then clone them for two clones you would get more then what you need or I would pop some seeds and gain some xp. Happy growing and Lesson learned bro.
Just a side note, and no negative shot intended towards the op, but it is striking how many posts come from people with either no experience or with 1 or 2 grows under their belt, who spend thousands of dollars on a full scale production op.

Now I suppose this happens in the real world alsom where someone who likes to drink spends their life savings and opens a bar or restaurant without ever having worked in one.

But does it really take a lot of thought to say that maybe, just maybe, there is an experience factor required to succeed (or at least to not drive head long into failure)?

Just thinkin out loud. You may return to your regularly scheduled mayhem.

You tellin me lol I'm just ph everything from now on I'm not a Gardner so I don't know about shit but he got me using Romeo fertilizer, Urea, ammonium sulfate , Alaska fish emulsion , vitaminb1 and foxfarmgrow (not the whole set Just grow) he tell me put a shot of each in a 5gal bucket and feed (2 plants in 100gal soil bags) when I ph the water no nutes it's 8.0 when I add the nutes it drops to 4.0 so i just add more water to bring it up to 5.5-6.5 and the soil isn't soil soil has micronutrients and live matter this is just dirt I nd I added perlite the dirt itself is so alkaline I'm surprised I got a few bigboys goin but his recipe just killed all our new clones
The only way to truly grow cannabis is to read until you can't read anymore, then read some more. Seems like you're trying to run before you walk first. Back off the nutes until the plants tell you they need something. Start small and work your way up man. I'm on year two and I've learned a ton in these past two seasons. Starting with 300 clones is a serious fuck up if you went in blind. I'd stop dealing with your "friend" also.
Done listening to friend JD just gonna oh my water 6.0-7.0
You know a good way to start grab a clone go buy Miracle grow, roots organic or foxfarm just Choose one.This would eliminate the ph level and nutrients that you have to add into your soil.
Grow in pots just water it and watch it grow then when the plant is big enough learn how to clone yourself saves you money and you no longer have to buy $3000 worth of clones. Try to make it easy for your self and fine what works for you. On a side note hydro is not forgiving for first time grower stick with soil. Happy grow
Were your clones rooted already?
And if they were, perhaps you could have grown them up a bit in smaller pots with gentler soil, before putting them in the 100galloners
Were your clones rooted already?
And if they were, perhaps you could have grown them up a bit in smaller pots with gentler soil, before putting them in the 100galloners
Most had roots nd I do but I didn't have my tarp on my greenhouse on st the time so maybe the sun was too strong or the b1duperthrive mix was
I dont think people stating what he should have done will help much. Hind sights always 20/20. Sorry your struggling man less is more though all you should take away. Think of plants like humans when small theyre babies cant eat much if they do they get sick. Like a previous postsr said its best to wait u til the plant shows a deficiency amd then treat than cause lockouts from blasting and have no clue what went wrong. I just invested in larrge scale grow myself not going to see a penny back but that was from lack of preparation and being short handed. I bit off more than i can chew. All we can do is look forward and improve. Dont get discouraged by previous posts keep chasing your dreams bro everyone starts somewhere. Promise you your next grow will get better. Look up lucas formula super simple ratios that wont burn plants best for hydro though. Its a good start and yyou can slowly add as you see necessary.
Also early flowering is common occurence. If you adjust the time of day to a plant especially a sexually mature clone they are ready to start flowering from any light stress. Most clones you grab from the ckub are on 24 hours and i feel you are setting yourself up for failure. Also they arent acclimated to the uvs like you previously stated. I would look for nurseries who keepclones in greenhouses and ask them the time schedule they have them on and try to keep that going until its time to flower. Im learning myself fortunately im with a good group of growers who are going to hold my hand next grow haha. Again most of my failure was from not being ready set up 2 acre area digging holes running pipe. Definitely fun experience. At end of the day youre growing weed. Id say 60% populatiin would love to be in your shoes do what you enjoy and the money will come eventually
Also early flowering is common occurence. If you adjust the time of day to a plant especially a sexually mature clone they are ready to start flowering from any light stress. Most clones you grab from the ckub are on 24 hours and i feel you are setting yourself up for failure. Also they arent acclimated to the uvs like you previously stated. I would look for nurseries who keepclones in greenhouses and ask them the time schedule they have them on and try to keep that going until its time to flower. Im learning myself fortunately im with a good group of growers who are going to hold my hand next grow haha. Again most of my failure was from not being ready set up 2 acre area digging holes running pipe. Definitely fun experience. At end of the day youre growing weed. Id say 60% populatiin would love to be in your shoes do what you enjoy and the money will come eventually
So I'm in socal mountains in Palmdale it's august 20. Do you think i still have time
To plant 30 more clones and get a result or is the season done ?