Just lost my babies to bud rot.


Active Member
Now that I've learned my lesson. How often should I spray my plants with anti fungal insecticides while flowering. I hear you don't want to get it on the buds, but that seems to put me in a quagmire. Now I'm spraying my new ones every other day regardless, Is this a good idea. No signs of anykind infestation so far.


Well-Known Member
That sucks bro :( sorry!

Whats your grow area like? Indoors our out?

If indoors, try not to mist the top of the plant at all. Just water the soil and keep a oscillating fan on your ladies at all times. Outdoors (which im assuming is your situation) I cant help with as much :( I hear that wet seasons can really hurt your crops, so if you can figure out a way to cover them or keep them out of the elements it might help.


Well-Known Member
Sucks. You can still water cure and turn to hash.
My experience is an ounce of preventing is worth a pound of maintenance. I spray through hole crop less last few weeks.
Spend a few min on Google and you will find some great organic pest control. I use hydrogen peroxide and iso alcohol the whole time.


Well-Known Member
How about giving us a clue on your growing situation. ? ?

I'm on my 4th decade of growing indoors and out and have never had a problem with bud rot. But I realize it can be a problem where humidities are high.

"How often should I spray my plants with anti fungal insecticides while flowering."

The statement "anti-fungal insecticides" does not make much sense.

There are fungicides, which treat fungus diseases.

And there are insecticides which treat plants for insect problems.

I am sure there is something out there that treats both fungus and insect problems but for sure as fuk you do't have a clue about what you are doing, and are willing to hose your plants with chemicals when you do not understand any of the processes or science behind any of it.

Anti-Fungal Insecticides..... Give me a break....


Well-Known Member
Now that I've learned my lesson. How often should I spray my plants with anti fungal insecticides while flowering. I hear you don't want to get it on the buds, but that seems to put me in a quagmire. Now I'm spraying my new ones every other day regardless, Is this a good idea. No signs of anykind infestation so far.
I hate to be that guy, but I think milk and water mix is supposed to help. I have never had a problem with that so I have never had to treat it. But it's worth a look up on the google machine.
Some strains have the resistant gene and others don't .. The trick is to learn how to decipher and recognize it early on , this way loss is minimal . I have grown Blueberry Thai Dom plants and almost all of them were prone to bud rot in the last few weeks regardless of environment and conditions . If your outside and are not able to adjust rh , it might be wise when the risk is high to simply employ a few natural techniques aimed at preventing this menace from happening regardless of genetic disposition . One is too remove a small section of flower from the lower area of any large colas that may trap moisture and remove excessive fan leaves too if necessary . Heavy moisture buildup on these during the dark period will often lead to mold and rot


Well-Known Member
Yup blueberry will rot!!! Grew it for many years and if it was a cold fall we would lose some. I believe there are anti-fungal sprays that you can use but we never used anything as it was within the last two weeks before harvest. Once we spotted it we would start cutting.


Well-Known Member
You should keep Relative Humidity below 45% once flowering starts, and as low as possible in the last 3 weeks to prevent bud rot. Sorry about your bad luck, good luck next time.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me for some reason back in the 80's the DEA started spraying paraquat on cannabis in Mexico. At that time I was growing outside so I never came across any of it but we all heard about it going around. Just a nasty and even deadly chemical. I guess they figured they would destroy weed with it and maybe some of us too. Anyways, I wouldn't use chemical pesticides, fungus sprays or whatever on something I'll be smoking or ingesting. I now only have a 3x3 tent for indoor now so to play it a little safer I have a second fan on the ground to help with circulation. Hope this helps. 2 fans plus my inline fan keeps everything moving nicely.


Active Member
How about giving us a clue on your growing situation. ? ?

I'm on my 4th decade of growing indoors and out and have never had a problem with bud rot. But I realize it can be a problem where humidities are high.

"How often should I spray my plants with anti fungal insecticides while flowering."

The statement "anti-fungal insecticides" does not make much sense.

There are fungicides, which treat fungus diseases.

And there are insecticides which treat plants for insect problems.

I am sure there is something out there that treats both fungus and isect problems but for sure as fuk you do't have a clue about what you are doing, and are willing to hose your plants with chemicals when you do not understand any of the processes or science behind any of it.

Anti-Fungal Insecticides..... Give me a break....


Well-Known Member
How about giving us a clue on your growing situation. ? ?

I'm on my 4th decade of growing indoors and out and have never had a problem with bud rot. But I realize it can be a problem where humidities are high.

"How often should I spray my plants with anti fungal insecticides while flowering."

The statement "anti-fungal insecticides" does not make much sense.

There are fungicides, which treat fungus diseases.

And there are insecticides which treat plants for insect problems.

I am sure there is something out there that treats both fungus and insect problems but for sure as fuk you do't have a clue about what you are doing, and are willing to hose your plants with chemicals when you do not understand any of the processes or science behind any of it.

Anti-Fungal Insecticides..... Give me a break....
Yup you would think this should be in the newb section, oh wait it is!!! 4 decades huh, thats a long time.