Just make money online!


Well-Known Member
whats up people!!!

I know this is my first post in this forum but i am part of several other forums online. Anyways i have been making money online for the past 3-4 years nothing big lol hey some moneys better than no money lol. I got a couple blogs and been making money with AdSense along with some Affiliate programs and iv been making decent money with. But i want to talk about this cool CPA program call Project Payday that pays you $2.00 per person that clicks on your link and puts there name and email address on the home page. It is a great way to make money from home and i know some people that make $2,000-$5000 monthly from this program. They cut checks every Thursday and that means you get paid every week you keep at it! I believe you have to make at least $30 check to be sent.

So here's a snap shot of all my earnings.
for forum.PNG

Alright so as you can see from my earnings the first couple checks i got were the best so it has potential..

Anddd i got another shot of what iv earned recently from the 5/6/2012-5/14/2012
another for forum.PNG

I should be getting paid $144 or i might be able to get a couple more sign ups before the weeks up.

My conversions has been doing great so far!

So i bet your wondering how i am getting these sign ups??

Well lately iv been using Craigslist to generate referrals and have had great results. Along with YouTube videos, tell a bunch of Facebook friends, tweet daily on Twitter, and always leave your affiliate link after a post or writing something to create tons of back links..doing just things few things will generate lots of sign ups.

Inbox me and we can talk a little more about it but i just thought i would share this program with everyone as i think everybody can make money online pretty easy...
Congrats on your success, hunter :clap:

There's definitely money to be made online. I sell stock video, music and sound effects on a couple of the big stock media sites and I make a bit of money from that. No huge amounts, certainly nowhere near enough to live on - but then again, I've not exactly put much time and effort into it.

I also 'flip' goods on ebay - I'll buy, for example, retro games & consoles for cheap from yard sales and then resell them for a tidy profit. Again, it's relatively easy money, but it's also a lot of effort; ie. getting to and from these places, then how do you guarantee that you'll always find enough 'stock' to flip for profit? You can't really guarantee that, and if you work full time (as I do), then at best, this gig is only good for the occasional bit of cash on the side. Also, making attractive looking ebay listings, wrapping and posting sold items, dealing with potential buyer issues and paying out ebay fees can be grating and time consuming.

I've dabbled in blogs, advertising, affiliation etc. in the past as a way to make some extra income, but never really found the time to explore it in any great depth. There is a lot of bullshit, misinformation and scamming out there - which only overwhelms and confuses the first timers. After separating the wheat from the chaff... What's left is usually 1% wheat. I was able to recognize this immediately, and promptly ditched it as soon as the futility of it all became apparent. I wouldn't mind having another go, and might just contact you regarding the method you're sharing, hunter.

Again, congrats and I hope you continue into the realm of big bucks 8)