So I just moved from New Brunswick to Ontario a few months ago... I figured, hey, there must be lots of weed out there! This is gonna be awesome! Well, I have been unable to find a single fucking person in this whole god forsaken town who even remotely looks like they smoke the herb. I was able to get some for a while from my mothers boyfriend, but he recently quit. I've been completely dry for the past month and my plants aren't going to be done for the next 7 weeks or so. I have no idea what to do and it's driving me fucking crazy. I swear I've gone on walks every fucking day for the past like 2 weeks looking for people, and everybody looks the fucking same. Gelled hair, sports t-shirt, shitty attitude, and looks like they've been sheltered their whole fucking lives. I even asked this kid if he knew where to get any, and he LITERALLY like got scared and ran away. It's ridiculous. Any of you guys have any suggestions on what I should do? It's just a little shit town in the middle of no where, so there isn't much for schools and what not, and on top of that it's summer time.