Just moved to Maine...


Well-Known Member
Just moved to Maine, and so far the buds are CRAP! Can't find ANYONE who's ever even SEEN bud as good as the stuff I used to have in Arizona that came in from California... I'm so sad and alone :(

I may end up growing my own out in the woods behind my house, the only problem is that it's rather cold around here, gets below freezing for all but 3 months of the year (summer, obviously) at night... Growing in the winter would be out of the question, hardly gets above 0 at the coldest, woohoo.

Anyway, any suggestions on growing here? Anyone come across good bud on the eastern coast area of Maine? Seems that I can't find good bud ANYWHERE, maybe I've just had bad luck? Please, someone, renew my faith :(

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Build a grow cabinet. If you look at the commercial ones you'll see that they are pretty damn simply if you take out the stuff that you don't have to have like automated hydro units and thermostatically controlled ventilation(all of which you can make yourself with a little research and usually for less money).

Just by a good sized chest-of-drawers at a thrift store. Cut the fronts of the drawers off and mount them to the front. Gut the inside. Put in a floor. Reinforce where necessary. Paint the inside flat white or cover the walls with mylar. Build a door so you can get to the girls. Cut holes for ventilation. Mount fans and carbon filters if smell is going to be a problem. Install lights, either a small HID type light, or several CFL's work good for small confined grows. After the veg stage you'll probably want a light timer that you can pick up at any harder store.

Combine a cab like that with LST or a SCROG grow and you should be able to pull a nice stash from something that you can that wouldn't look out of place sitting in your bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could grow indoors, living with the girlfriend's family right now, and nobody in this house (including her) would like it, in fact I'm sure I'd be kicked out. It'd have to be outdoors :(