Just noticed some yellow spots today?


Active Member
looks like you are pushing them to their limit, make shure you don't overdose them! Leafs are starting to bloat just a little from N This isn't entirely bad, seen many a grower push them like this. There is a fine line and you may be reaching it. I suspect being a lower leaf it was either dripped on with nute solution or it's just naturaly starting to shed some old leafs. first the damaged part will spot then die. Just trim away the necrostic parts of the leaf. leave behind anything still green. You aren't there yet but in a week or so these lower leafs will drop and get ready to shead. Sometimes those lower leafs will rest on the soil when the plant is very small the composted material will actually foliar over feed. causing spots later as the leaf starts to decline. don't worry about it and back off your mix. make it a 1/3 weaker and give it smaller amounts more often let it dry between feedings, 2 small feedings in 2 days then water then next day dry, then start it again. pick up some thrive -alive b-4, These micro and secondary macros will help your plant absorb what is already in it's vascular system with out further bloating. Bloated leafs are damaged leafs, they will be the first to spot. P.S if they are compleatly dry, they may be ready for a transplant into something larger. I recomend a (min) of 3 gal tall. You probably want to go even larger yet, 5 to 10 gal, my guess is, "Thats not a small strain!".
The melungeonman.


Well-Known Member
I have not really been watering and this is just a compost mix that I mixed it has 60% leaf mold compost then a mix of the rest with coco coir perlite worm castings and blood meal I have only been giving it rain water checked ph neutral and the ph in soil is around 7. I was Just going to start budding because i have about about 40" to bud in and I really don't want to waste to much time in these plants but its my first run so I don't want to trash them too...They are mex bag seeds at some point i do remember dropping some of the water on the leafs could that have caused that?