Just One Of My Theories. . .


Well-Known Member
So I'm not one to say what the right and wrongs of religion and life are. I simply wasn't there for a lot of what people have beliefs or faiths in. I also have no judgements to what you or anyone else believes. Now having said that, this is just one of my theories that ill think of when I'm blazed. So what if our planet or even the galaxy is just one big science experiment? Think about it. . .There is centuries old proof or at least evidence that perhaps ancient people saw and communicated with aliens. It almost seems commonplace in ancient times that aliens were an every day thing, now its all fake allegedly. There are alleged cities that have just vanished, and ancient carving and structures that looks like it may have been done with advanced science. All these sighting of aliens over the centuries could just be them checking up on us. It would also make sense that, maybe that's why sightings have gone down in the last 50 years since Roswell. Maybe we have their technology and they're scared we will use it on them, so they've stopped coming back. Maybe aliens have just been trying to jump start a civilization as an experiment. Perhaps that's what happened to Atlantis, if it ever really existed that is, the city may have been destroyed because they got too smart. I don't know, its just a theory. Its just kind of convenient that it all kind of fits. Any thoughts?
stop taking anything the history channel shows as factual?

what makes you think im solely baseing this on what i heard on the history channel? and if there seems to be hard evidence, why shouldnt i believe? Its all merely a matter of opinion. you know,your right to an opinion, that thing that you just exercised towards me? How about instead of trying to make someone look stupid, you offer your own opinions, no matter how askew anyone thinks they are.
my sincere opinion is that is all nonsense beyond that i cannot discuss much if you were to show me some of this "hard evidence" i'd be more than happy to discuss its merits and implications.

i mentioned the history channel as thats where alot of this bunk comes from and they are very loose with their facts there
what makes you think im solely baseing this on what i heard on the history channel? and if there seems to be hard evidence, why shouldnt i believe? Its all merely a matter of opinion. you know,your right to an opinion, that thing that you just exercised towards me? How about instead of trying to make someone look stupid, you offer your own opinions, no matter how askew anyone thinks they are.

I saw it as advice more than any kind of insult, good advice at that.

I think it's fine to express your thoughts, especially since you labeled them as speculation. I think where you run into problems is with the last line "it all kinda fits". That is because you have simply formed a hypothesis based on the lowest standards of cherry picked evidence and then made as many assumption as needed for it to make sense. It would be surprising if it didn't all fit. Your thinking structure is what makes it seem convenient.

In actuality, sightings have not gone down in the last 50 years, but have risen considerably. Since the first reported abductions of Betty and Barney Hill crept into pop culture more and more people have been having strange encounters. They were not all that common before then. With the advent of cell phone cams, not to mention video manipulating software, video evidence of unexplained flying objects has become downright abundant.

I think you have perfectly worthy questions, but need to stop making assumptions and do actual research. It's easy to form a conclusion, about anything, and then go find supporting evidence. The trick is to look at the evidence first and then form a theory, then doubt that theory and try to prove it wrong. You'll get much closer to the truth.

I understand that you simply entertain this theory as a thought experiment when you are high, and do not mean it as any sort of serious claim. I do this all the time. You might find these concepts interesting to factor into your day dreaming.

Drake equation
Fermi paradox
The Great Filter
Zoo Hypothesis