just purchased a money tree :)


Active Member
Just bought one of these weird trees last night.. need rejuvenation help.. of course it sits in a department store so there's the common problems associated with it such as root bound, brown gross roots and it seems they gave it nutrients at the wrong strengths so it has signs of nutrient burn.

Hydrogen peroxide will help a lot its not a big pot/root ball so i can lift it out with one hand and it doesn't fall apart. Would it be ok to fill my kitchen sink with water add horti strength peroxide and let the plant/root ball sit in it so it cleans and saturates the root mass? Or should i do the common procedure and just pour the liquid solution through the root ball?

Thanks for your input!!

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I would do a flush for the first 2 watering with PHd water because who knows all the stuff that is built up in the soil. Then do a very light feeding.


Active Member
A little update on my tree!! So i flushed it today but didn't realize that the small container didn't have any drainage holes.. and it was ceramic.. so i ended up having to take out the entire root ball out(in the sink of course)

So i flushed it in the sink and let me tell you. It was a good thing i did it. It was basically sitting in its own cesspool of rotten mess. all the roots were brown & destroyed. not even attached to the stalk.

When i cleared everything off (with h2o2 water)it was actually growing new white roots already under the mess. Which obviously is a good thing. There was no fungi stalk damage (that i could see anyway).

I replanted it in new soil with a layer of hydroton rocks on the bottom for drainage then soil and half an inch of hydroton on the top to keep the soil moist for longer and for protection :))

