But yea everybody should use that they like
100%. I don't tell people to do it my way I just spell out what I've done and how it works for me and they're free to take it or leave it.
What I don't like are Askholes. People that even PM you begging to help them then ignore your advice and continue screwing up their plants.
When I started doing DWC in '01 I basically invented it for myself. I'd never seen a DWC, had no internet but reading a gardening book at the library for ideas read all about the Mayan floating gardens way back when and how that led to tanks of nutrients to grow plants in. The few pics in the book were industrial sized grows of vegetable with floating slabs of styrofoam or something.
I've been a DIY guy since I was old enough to take my dad's alarm clock apart. He was not happy.

I basically sat around and ended up using Rubbermaid tubs with 1 - 12" airstone and rented a hole saw to cut the holes for the net pots. Pretty sure I'd read something in a CC mag or Rolling Stone at one time. My son was driving up from Vancouver so I got him to pick me up gallon jugs of AN 3-part and started messing around.
Worked great for me right off the bat. Having a diploma in chemistry probably helped but if you can follow a cake recipe and bake a decent cake you should be able to do DWC just fine. (Not you as in you personally).
I've seen a lot of people have big problems with Hydroguard in particular tho some using it did fine. Probably new and better stuff out there these days but I don't look for new and better when old and fine works for me. I like my ruts.
Now I just want to grow out lots more strains and do some breeding and make seeds both fem and regular. If I could move my ass over to Vancouver Island I'd be out fishing as much as possible and wouldn't have time to grow pot. So much pot out there and I'd rather go fishing with what time I have left.