Just saying hello and getting too know new ppl

we will learn this thing together, im going with the kiss method

Yup, even with DWC it's important to not overthink things and not take drastic action as you'll end up 'killing them with kindness' as they say.

Pic 1 - Dutch passion c-vibes
Pic 2 - Dutch passion CBD skunk/haze hybrid


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Like your honesty. But I'm still loving the look of those thick AF roots.

Interesting note here. I was curious about how much water they displaced thinking it would be half but when I cropped those I cut the roots off at the bottom of the pots and put them in the tub of leftover roots. Filled the tub up to the ridge inside then took the roots out shaking off any water in them into the tub. To refill to the same level only took 2L in a 50L tub at that level. So just 4% of the space was taken up by all those roots. amazed the hell out of me.

Hey why are lots of guys going sterile and not using mycos? I get protection and stable ph from them.

I've seen a lot more DWC grows go sideways using beneficials than running sterile. I used a little 35% peroxide twice a week and never lost a plant to rot when I was sometimes getting nute temps close to 80F. Then I made a chiller out of a gifted water cooler and could keep temps between 65- 68 and stopped the peroxide.

In hydro nutes they are fed directly to the plants and no fungi or bacteria are needed to make the food available to the plants like it is in organic growing. Basically a gimmick as far as I'm concerned. If it's working for you and you're happy with it then more power to you. If it is working then it's keeping bad bacteria from invading but I avoided or killed any bad bugs with H2O2.

I'm using DynoMyco in my semi-organic growing and it does help with that and it should. Dyno is also compatible with hydro so I wonder if it would work OK in DWC.

I'm not going to try it, you try it. Hey I know. Let Mikey try it! :)

The mycos i use have trichodermia and some other bacteria that are basicly carnivores and eats everything thats vegan. Allsoo there is a lot of reaserch saying plants that are infected with mycos get a better responese to powdery mildew.

But yea everybody should use that they like :)
But yea everybody should use that they like

100%. I don't tell people to do it my way I just spell out what I've done and how it works for me and they're free to take it or leave it.

What I don't like are Askholes. People that even PM you begging to help them then ignore your advice and continue screwing up their plants.

When I started doing DWC in '01 I basically invented it for myself. I'd never seen a DWC, had no internet but reading a gardening book at the library for ideas read all about the Mayan floating gardens way back when and how that led to tanks of nutrients to grow plants in. The few pics in the book were industrial sized grows of vegetable with floating slabs of styrofoam or something.

I've been a DIY guy since I was old enough to take my dad's alarm clock apart. He was not happy. :) I basically sat around and ended up using Rubbermaid tubs with 1 - 12" airstone and rented a hole saw to cut the holes for the net pots. Pretty sure I'd read something in a CC mag or Rolling Stone at one time. My son was driving up from Vancouver so I got him to pick me up gallon jugs of AN 3-part and started messing around.

Worked great for me right off the bat. Having a diploma in chemistry probably helped but if you can follow a cake recipe and bake a decent cake you should be able to do DWC just fine. (Not you as in you personally).

I've seen a lot of people have big problems with Hydroguard in particular tho some using it did fine. Probably new and better stuff out there these days but I don't look for new and better when old and fine works for me. I like my ruts. :)

Now I just want to grow out lots more strains and do some breeding and make seeds both fem and regular. If I could move my ass over to Vancouver Island I'd be out fishing as much as possible and wouldn't have time to grow pot. So much pot out there and I'd rather go fishing with what time I have left.

with the advanced nutrients line, whats the diference from MGB and sensi grow/bloom? i read that mgb is 3 part and sensi is "2part"(2 parts for each 2 part is 4 part to me but idkshit)
with the advanced nutrients line, whats the diference from MGB and sensi grow/bloom? i read that mgb is 3 part and sensi is "2part"(2 parts for each 2 part is 4 part to me but idkshit)

I tried the sensi but prefer the control I have over what I feed my plants better with the 3-part.

With Sensi or Connie veg and flower each have a 2-part set. So you do have 4 bottles to get from start to finish but are supposed to be using just two in each stage. They claim it grows bigger and better plants but that wasn't my experience. Cost more too.

The 3-part I have now I bought gallon jugs of 6 or 7 years ago now and have almost half left. I didn't waste nutes doing unnecessary changes in DWC and have been using organics in my HP for a while. I bought the 3 - 1L bottles of AN Iguana Juice 3 or 4 years ago because they have the same NPK ratios as the old AN 3-part before pH Perfect came in and are not pH Perfect. Haven't even opened them yet. :)

The newer 3-part is more diluted too so had to work that out to be feeding the same when I switched.

masterblend using the same bag now for my 6th grow.costed me 30$ you need half a gram for liter of water

Bottled nutes are no more than 5 -10% of what it costs me to grow pot. The bulk of my expenses are for power at over 30¢/kwh so price of nutes is not something I worry about.

Cost me a shitload more to get into organic growing and I should have just stuck with DWC if yields were all I was after.

it's not really a cost thing for me with nutes, Im in the EU and I guess most of you are in US/CA, But I did my whole grow about the same with a soft water nute, grow A&B, bloom A&B came to about the same price in £/€/$.
The cool thing is I have very soft tap water, EC 0/0.1, PH 7/7.5 so the soft water feed has extra cal/mag... the hard water doesnt have that so you choose the feed according to what your tap water is like.

I only used half the grow nutes before I flipped, so theres a saving there, as that will be enough for next time! :-D
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what brand?
TNC HYdro those are just the cheapest here aroud 7$ for a bag 70g and i use 4g per grow soo it will last long. but they work i used them in both grow journals here they allsoo affect the ph of the dwc keep it nice

as for the nutes i noticed most of the water nutes have an expiration date around 1-2 years. i do small grows and 1L bottle will never be used soo i consider it a waste. powder nutes have no exp date.
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as for the nutes i noticed all of the water nutes have an expiration date around 1-2 years

No such date on the AN ones I got about 7 years ago and they work fine. Wish they had a date of manufacture on them tho. Got sold an ancient can of Big Bud powder at a different shop in Kelowna at the same time but he took it back so I bought a $170 940W Hortilux conversion bulb off him. big as a damn football but the most intense 1000W light I have by half again.

Big bud powder goes bad after about 6 or 7 years but the liquid maybe a year. The BB has a lot of amino acids in it and they're organic so won't last forever like mineral salts will.
