Just Sharing Some Pics of my Babies at end of Week 2 Flower :)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering where you had gone to catt. Apparently nowhere because your girls are looking great. It looks like you have been giving them a lot of 1 on 1 love. How long have you been growing marijuana? It looks to me like you have to Kiss method down solid. It also looks to me like that's going to be some serious bag seed weed. I am going to start using a bit of molasses in tomorrow's watering and I will dissolve it in warm water as you suggest kidneystone. Do you think it matters if I get it on the foliage?? Kidney my stoner friend I think i will just use it on 3 out of 4 plants. That really makes help in providing some empirical information. Do you think it is worth using molasses for my last 3 maybe 4 weeks? WTF, No guts no glory. Thanks for the info kidney and thanks for the pics catt. catt.. did I tell you how pretty your girls are looking, well they are beauties for such a short period of flowering under lowly cfl's way to grow girl.


Well-Known Member
The catt came back!!:leaf:

The girls really are looking fine dudette. You say your "first real grow" Well you sure are doing alright... It's the love you know. Plus you got Karma working in your favor BIG time just because of the primary motivation you have for doing it in the first place. Your another example of the K.I.S.S. method. IE.. The Keep It Simple Stupid" method. If life was simple I would send you some fine seeds I have procurred for next springs outdoor grow. But alas life is NOT that simple although in the long run I am so not bothered by the feds. If they don't have anything better to do than chase four plant growers than were even more screwed than I thought.
Well I'm pysched for you but also psyched for myself. I'm gonna take kidney stoners unpresured advise and try the molasses for the last month. wth. He is not the only guy who can't give me a good reason to use it or why it works but it gets so many thunmbs up how can I not test it. 3 out of 4 will get molasses disolved in hot water. The third plant will give me at least an idea if it works and what it works at doing.

I am guessing that it is best NOT to water the foliage with the molasses mix but just the roots??? They have come a long way but it's still been 7 weeks of vegging and 4 weeks of 12/12.



Well-Known Member
hey Rottedroots :) Yep....I'm back, had to take a short hiatus but IM BAaAaAaCK!!! Did you think I could forget about you guys here? I've been thinkin about your buds...lol! I'm glad they aren't falling off and turning shit brown :) How did it go picking up your daughter the other night? Not too long ago I was 18 wishing I had a parent I could call to come and get me drunk from a concert :) I hope she knows how lucky she is to have a dad she can depend on.... +rep for that. I wish I could give people rep in real life....like everyone has a meter that lets you be able to look at their rep on certain things.....and give rep where rep is due - HA! I love how low your plants are, for my next grow I want like 10 exactly like yours :) I like the size, the shape, the leaf formation....everything about them. I can't wait to have a virtual smoke with you :) A cigarette is a pretty good way to show in your pics the real size of the buds. If I can wait till next week, I will do that when I take my pics and update. The KISS method....ROFL...it really does work for us though :) SCREW THE FEDS....I hear ya bout that one....I would love to be the receiver and grower of a few of your seedies ;) It must be nice knowing what your growing......but so much funner when you don't...lol!!!!
I've totally noticed a difference with the molasses, I'm using some kind of grandmas called "robust" and they seem to swell up real good 12 hrs after (more so than when I give em nutes) :o A few vet growers on here said they start giving molasses about 3 weeks before harvest. It's suppose to trap sugar inside your buds that are not released until the curing process giving your buds a wee bit more density and sweeter flavor/aroma......I SURE HOPE SO!!!!! LOL I personally don't need to use hot water in mine. I just remove a little water from my gal jug..... put in 1 tsp (eyeballed) right in there and give it a good shake...:hump: It does settle to the bottom right when you put it in though, so using hot water makes sense to dissolve it faster if you don't want to shake it a ton...lol! I've noticed the molasses to be very fast dissolving though so this is a step I do not need to take (remember KISS method :) )
I've always wanted to mist my babies leaves but I'm scared the heat from the CFL's will dry the moisture right up and leave scars??? Is there a specific way of doing it? Whatever way your doing is the way I want to do it....next time of coarse :)


Well-Known Member
love the pics your colas look beautiful ;) keep the good work up and also idk how your keep your dog from eating the plants but if i leave any chance for my beagle and sheba to get at it they will lol
thanks for sayin such nice things about my colas :o I have to keep very close, close, close, close eye on my guys when they are around my plants. They usually get some clippings here and there but are really out for the stems :) Once I saw my husky/lab LICK a leave from one of my babies ever so gently.....I think he loves it the way I love it. I wish I could get him on video the way he looks around in the closet, turning his head so slow and eyeballing the chains, the lights, all of the beautiful green :) He looks like he is in pure heaven....


lol...i totally thought you were a girl for some reason, I don't know why :-?
I did top and fimm them twice, MAYBE 3! When I was learning here on RIU, I stuck to the old rule of thumb "10-12 weeks veg". I asked some of the peeps on here if it was ok to flower at 8-9 weeks cuz I knew they could triple in size. Turns out I should of only vegged this strain for about 4-6 weeks (if that) as they turned out to be a sativa dom indica hybrid of some sort. I had no idea about lst or any of that stuff until I saw MidAmber and your threads. I'm gonna try that out my next grow :) Right now I'm only feeding them some Bloom feed (1/4 dose cuz I'm a worry wart :o) mixed with Grandmas Molasses (first time tonight feeding molasses) in 1 gal mtn spring water (when the spring is not FROZEN, or RO water . Then next watering I give just plain water mixed with 1/4 dose of cal/mag. I figure I would up the nutrients slowly as they mature instead of just blasting them with it (cuz I'm scared of nute burn).

Wasn't the magnifier thing a cool thought ? I think I saw it on here and I tried it and was like "holy crap, it worked"! Thanks for sayin those nice things about my ladies :) Makes me feel good about all of the love I've put into them. The one plant I have that looks like yours (a wee bit smaller and with less heads) only vegged for about 6 weeks and she's my thickest one so far (wonder if shes a skunk too)! Your plant looks sooooo awesome - I'm jealous. I don't really have much cash right now, so I can't afford all that fancy nutrient stuff yet (like unicorns piss...lol). I'm growing for my dad who has cancer
and a little for me too.....shhhhhh :o) and he said anything I grow for him is going to be the best tasting weed EVER. I only hope it helps with the pain or it really defeats the purpose. That's why I was kinda happy when folks said it looked like a hybrid sativa/indica.

I planted 3 bagseeds expecting one or 2 good females, and when all 3 tuned out to be ladies I was like "OH NO!" but happy all at the same time. I just sooo wished I flowered sooner ~ they are getting sooooo BIG!
I even like the pic of the male, with it's pretty little flower sacs :) Good luck with the pollen thing!
HEY CALCAT79... Whats up!? Hadn't herd from you in a minute!!;-) I guess your really busy taking care of those beautiful girls!! I am serious about those pointers,lol... ;P
I know where your coming from with your Dad! I lost my Dad a year ago, due to freaking cancer!! He had prostate cancer, and the Doc screwed him around, and told him
that he didn't have it, then he did, then he didn't, and on and on! And if the damn Doctor would've just told him that he had cancer, and treated him while it was in say
stage 2 or even 3, it may not had been as bad as it was with my Dad!! The DAMN Doctor waited till he was in stage 4 b4 even trying to treat him/let him know!
And by then, it was just to late! I think the doctor was trying to milk Dads insurance is why!! But, you know, I had never seen that Man cry. But when I went to go to his house and just sit and spend some time with him, I sit there and watched my Dad cry & literally roll around in the floor in pain!! And that liked to kill me, because I knew he
was in allot of pain, and there was nothing I could do!! My Dad was a person that HATED taking anything for pain! He didn't even like Tylenol!! He didn't like it at
all when the Doctor put him on k2! Yup and that's ALL they gave him to!! Which didn't work half of the time! But they finally put him on morphine during the last
week of his life here on this earth! And I hated that too, but I didn't want him to be in pain either!! So, I do know what your going through!! And just know that
I have him/you in my thoughts and prayers! Well, I guess I am going to hope off here 4 now. Them girls sure are looking good!! Take care.. Later. ... D


Well-Known Member
Thank you Dpllrd01 for your kind words and thoughts, I'm sorry you had to go through all that with your Dad :( it hurts my heart....I think they caught my Dad's just in time (I had to FORCE him to go to the doctor)!!! He is the same way about taking anything for pain. But he's been a hippie for over 30 years and now that he can legally smoke in our state, he's most def. making the best of it. He has stage 1 liver cancer and I'm thinkin that together we WILL beat this thing. Marijuana helps my Dad get through some pretty tough times, there is nothing better than seeing his face light up when he sees our girls :0 IT'S GREAT :)

Thanks for loving my girls :) I'll pass along your complements to them tonite :)


, there is nothing better than seeing his face light up when he sees our girls :0 IT'S GREAT
I bet..
:-P.. That right there is what it's all about!! Your living my dream! I want to one day grow medicine for people such as your Dad/ and plp that really truley need it for medical purposes, for that EXACT REASON!! It makes life worth living if you ask me! ;-)

Thanks for loving my girls
I'll pass along your complements to them tonite
Ha,ha... You do that.. I wish I could SMELL them, lol:lol:.. They should make scratch n sniff computer screens!!


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha about the buds turning brown and falling off. I swear I thought the world had ended for a couple of days. I'm back to no real worrys.
Question for you catt. It's that little incident with my 18yo daughter and I'm dying to run it by you. Don't know many young-uns She is a good kid and does well with good grades in her senior year of high school and has already been accepted to a pretty good university. I have had ZERO troubles with her as a teenage. She also has a job and plays school sports. I am much more upset that they were going to drive home after drinking than the fact they drank. At 18 I was pretty good at driving drunk and had dropped out of high school and been arrested more than a couple of times. We won't even go into the hard drugs and other shit.(arg)

I have told her that other than holding her phone for a couple of days that I still did not know what I was going to do as far as punishment. (I forgot to take the laptop).
I know this is very longwinded catt but her head is in your hands!!!! She says bluntly "DAD I FUCKED UP" and I believe she is sincere. So should I completely let her off the hook with NO further repercussions or do I drop the axe? :?:I'm really am going to go with your suggestion catt! I have told her many times that where ever she was and whatever the reason I would drop what I was doing and come get her no questions asked. I meant it then and I mean it now. Not really the case this time as it was the cops who called. Something about drunken 18 year puking at a Rascal Flatts concert whatever that is.

Grandma's tomorrow catt. Three weeks before harvest is pretty close to where I am at. Last guy said tablespoon. Your going with a teaspoon?? Any reason or no difference?? trapping sugar inside your buds that are not released until the curing process giving your buds a wee bit more density and sweeter flavor/aroma..." that sounds pretty good and the trapping sugar sounds plausible to a skeptic and you have even had noticeable differences.
My plants are only shaped the way the are because I was having fun screwing with them and pinned them half to death. For some reason your plants look like they are getting three times the light the number of bulbs in you box indicate. I can't believe the growth you have with the bulbs spread out so much. Way Cool!! Sure shows that the CFL's have some reach.
The stuff I have read regarding foliar feeding when the lights are on says DON'T do it. I have done it all along without a second thought. The fact it's cfl's has probably saved me a painfull scald!! Your right though don't change now although they love mist.
I'm going to go now and please remember that I can hardly remember turning 50 YO and most of my memory is still back in the 70's. The elderly should get a free ride when it comes to not making any sense.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
catt and Dp. I was busy rambling about nothing while you guys were talking about CA. A little more than 10 years ago I lost my father to a sarcoma. It was an easily treated cancer but men are so stupid about taking care of business. By the time my mother noticed his swollen thigh it was to late. There is no good reason at all why he should not still be alive. He may have lost a leg but that would have still been a great deal. My fathers doctor sucked as well Dp. Not only did his miss the mass at a routine physical he did not even bother to call even once after the diagnosis and he had been his doctor for 15 or 20 years. Dad died in the house I live in now. We basically euthanized him with morphine. you know Dp no one is supposed to die from prostrate cancer. He could have beat it with a decent MD. catt. You and your dad can beat it and don't underestimate the value of your support and nagging. Keep it up. I'm still mad at my Dad for dying when he did not need to. catt your Dad CAN beat stage one liver ca. Won't be fun but the rest of his life will be. Push him when he needs to be pushed. You got this one!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Rottedroots, tough situation you have on your hands I can see your dilemma....When I was headed....well....lets just say "down that road" I had a friends Dad pull me aside one day and ask if we could have a quick chat. He said he wanted to warn me of something that a lot of idiots out there don't know. He told me that the woman's brain is not fully mature until their mid 20's and that any drinking, smoking, or drugs will affect that brain growth and could change the way I think and make decisions for the rest of my life.

It took a few days for that to really sink in....but it did! when we are 18 we think we know it ALL, but a loving, yet stern, and "FORGIVING" daddy is something that manages to keep us grounded when everything and everyone around us gets flighty ;)

Ahhhh the molasses! Yeah I'm only using a tsp at the moment, I may increase to a tbsp if they keep this up! I have never heard of a case where anyone over did the grandmas :) Yeah, I adjust my bulbs DAILY! And I opened up my closet a bit...they needed the room soooooo bad. Plus I added 2 more bulbs (in a y socket) so I could drop them in between pots. I am def going to get some more lights this weekend...I'll let ya kno :)

Lol...I only lived for 1 year in the 70's and that makes me wish I was older. It looked like such a good time from my dad's photos and all of the music I've heard and still listen to ~ 70's has the BEST rock n roll :) My kids always tell me when I say I feel old that I'm not old until I'm 75.....LOL!

and I think you make perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
catt and Dp. I was busy rambling about nothing while you guys were talking about CA. A little more than 10 years ago I lost my father to a sarcoma. It was an easily treated cancer but men are so stupid about taking care of business. By the time my mother noticed his swollen thigh it was to late. There is no good reason at all why he should not still be alive. He may have lost a leg but that would have still been a great deal. My fathers doctor sucked as well Dp. Not only did his miss the mass at a routine physical he did not even bother to call even once after the diagnosis and he had been his doctor for 15 or 20 years. Dad died in the house I live in now. We basically euthanized him with morphine. you know Dp no one is supposed to die from prostrate cancer. He could have beat it with a decent MD. catt. You and your dad can beat it and don't underestimate the value of your support and nagging. Keep it up. I'm still mad at my Dad for dying when he did not need to. catt your Dad CAN beat stage one liver ca. Won't be fun but the rest of his life will be. Push him when he needs to be pushed. You got this one!!!!!
Thanks Rotted....It def. takes A LOT of pushing with my dad. But I make sure I let him know every chance I get how important it is that he LIVES. I told him I AM willing to do WHATEVER it takes to fight this. I feel empowered being able to give him some pain relief, have a few laughs and just forget about the world for a little while after a treatment. I really appreciate all of the support...... you can never have enough!!! We are a tough pair my dad and I....and I think everything is gonna be alright :)

Sorry about your dad :( stubborn man....those old timers always are. Must of been real tough for you and your mom :(


Active Member
Howdy. I was reading about the mollasses. I'm definately gonna go get some too.
The stuff I have at home has sulphites in it, so I need a different kind.
It's also supposed to be good for humans so I made lunch plans with my ladies next feeding :lol:


Well-Known Member
It smells SOOO GROSS! I don't think I have ever even tasted it that's how bad it smells :o The one I'm using is the Grandmas Unsulph "Robust" kind. I guess the "robust" means it smells like sweet cow shit...lol whatever that would smell like.


Well-Known Member
That's funny catt. It does smell like sweet cow shit. At least you didn't say it taste like sweet cowshit. I am watering with a grandma's right now. It's not the robust version But it sure reminds me of pecan pie. HaHa. I bet grandma's Has seen a huge spike in sales And they have no idea why.


Well-Known Member
That's funny catt. It does smell like sweet cow shit. At least you didn't say it taste like sweet cowshit. I am watering with a grandma's right now. It's not the robust version But it sure reminds me of pecan pie. HaHa. I bet grandma's Has seen a huge spike in sales And they have no idea why.
I have the day off today too and my lights don't come on until 5pm :( tell your babies I said HI K? :) I just noticed it says your in the South Shore of Beantown....I happen to be from Southie...LOL! What a small world huh?


Well-Known Member
Wow catt. It is a small world. I thought you were one of those very lucky california growers who can just go out and buy find clones for their gardens. I guess I thought cali like in california. You should come down and eat lobster with the wife and I after we both harvest. Now that would be fun. My wife has a lot of relatives in somerville, east boston, but we don't talk about them much. LOL. When the time comes you can drive down to the south shore And pick up some seeds although you probably don't even have a car. (Sigh) I watered with molasses this morning And took some pictures of my babies. I think they look incredible 4 only being under12/12 for 31 days. You are close enough that you can just say " May I borrow a cup of molasses".


Well-Known Member
Well catt. These are the girls after 31 days of 12/12. I'm very pleased so far so if I can get another four weeks in the box with MOLASSES than I should do OK for such a little box. Can't imagine growing in a PC case but we do what we have to do. My hands were so sticky after messing with them this morning it was cool and they pretty happy. The interior of the plants get NO light at all and when you spread back the foliage it becomes obvious they would have enjoyed it. I guess it's gonna be all tops. Oh Well.



Well-Known Member
Wow catt. It is a small world. I thought you were one of those very lucky california growers who can just go out and buy find clones for their gardens. I guess I thought cali like in california. You should come down and eat lobster with the wife and I after we both harvest. Now that would be fun. My wife has a lot of relatives in somerville, east boston, but we don't talk about them much. LOL. When the time comes you can drive down to the south shore And pick up some seeds although you probably don't even have a car. (Sigh) I watered with molasses this morning And took some pictures of my babies. I think they look incredible 4 only being under12/12 for 31 days. You are close enough that you can just say " May I borrow a cup of molasses".
I'm actually not in Southie anymore, but could still make it for some lobster :) Why would I not have a car? LOL!!! My husband and I would LOVE to come and visit and we can test our wares together :) Does the wife smoke too? I'm not in MA anymore, however still just a stones throw away :) Your ladies are looking LOVELY as usual, give em my love.